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Winter severity and anthropogenic factors affect spatial behaviour of red deer in the Carpathians
Mammal Research ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s13364-020-00520-z
Katarzyna Bojarska , Katarzyna Kurek , Stanisław Śnieżko , Izabela Wierzbowska , Wiesław Król , Ewa Zyśk-Gorczyńska , Grzegorz Baś , Elżbieta Widera , Henryk Okarma

Spatial ecology of red deer Cervus elaphus is shaped by both natural and anthropogenic factors. We used radio telemetry to investigate factors affecting habitat selection on two spatial scales, home range sizes and migratory behaviour of red deer (N = 8 individuals) in two mountain ranges of the western Carpathians in 2004–2007. The two study areas differed in terms of environmental conditions: Beskid Sądecki had higher altitudes, higher human population and road density and milder winters than Beskid Niski. Red deer in both areas selected forests and avoided agricultural habitats on both spatial scales. Elevation affected site selection only in Beskid Sądecki: deer selected higher altitudes for their home ranges, but lower altitudes within them. Deer avoided major roads when selecting their home ranges in both sites, but only in Beskid Sądecki, they also avoided roads within their home ranges. Deer in both study sites selected locations closer to supplementary feeding sites in winter. In years with more severe winters, deer in Beskid Niski displayed seasonal migration to south-facing slopes. Deer in Beskid Sadecki showed short-distance altitudinal movements from low elevations in winter to high elevations in summer, and a short-term descent to low elevations in August–September. Our results fit the general concept that climatic conditions and human-related factors shape spatial behaviour in ungulates, and that snow conditions are particularly important for migration. Climate change will likely contribute to diminishing migration in red deer in the Carpathians.



马鹿鹿的空间生态受自然和人为因素共同影响。我们使用无线电遥测技术在两个空间尺度上研究了影响栖息地选择的因素,这些因素包括家庭范围大小和马鹿的迁徙行为(N = 8个人)在2004–2007年间在喀尔巴阡山脉西部的两个山脉中。这两个研究区域的环境条件有所不同:与Beskid Niski相比,BeskidSądecki的海拔更高,人口和道路密度更高,冬季更为温和。两个地区的马鹿都选择了森林,并在两个空间尺度上避开了农业栖息地。高程仅影响BeskidSądecki的选址:鹿为其居所范围选择了较高的高度,但在其内部选择了较低的高度。鹿在两个地点选择家园时都避开了主要道路,但仅在BeskidSądecki,他们还避开了家园内的道路。两个研究地点的鹿在冬季都选择了更靠近补充喂养地点的地点。在冬季更为严酷的年份,贝斯基德尼斯基(Beskid Niski)的鹿表现出季节性迁移至朝南的山坡。Beskid Sadecki中的鹿表现出从冬季低海拔到夏季高海拔的短距离海拔运动,在8月至9月出现短期下降到低海拔的海拔运动。我们的结果符合气候条件和与人有关的因素影响有蹄类动物的空间行为的一般概念,而降雪条件对于迁徙特别重要。气候变化将可能有助于减少喀尔巴阡地区马鹿的迁徙。而且降雪条件对于迁移尤为重要。气候变化将可能有助于减少喀尔巴阡地区马鹿的迁徙。而且降雪条件对于迁移尤为重要。气候变化将可能有助于减少喀尔巴阡地区马鹿的迁徙。