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Exploring the Equity of Traditional and Ride-Hailing Taxi Services during Peak Hours
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198120928338
Renbin Pan 1 , Hongtai Yang 1 , Kun Xie 2 , Yi Wen 3

Many people criticize the inequity of traditional taxi (TT) services and believe the entry of ride-hailing taxis (RT) can address the issue. However, this has been understudied in the literature. This paper aims to estimate the equity of TT and RT services during peak hours and to study how the entry of RT affects equity by analyzing trip data of TT and RT in New York City in 2010 and 2017 (before and after the entry of RT). First, we used the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient to estimate the equity of taxi services against population and employment. The results show that the equity of RT in 2017 is higher than that of TT and the equity of TT + RT in 2017 is higher than that of 2010. Mixed geographically weighted regression (MGWR) was applied to determine whether the relationships between taxi trips and population/employment would vary across different taxi zones. The coefficient of variation (CV) of local coefficients of population/employment is used as an indicator of equity. Results show that RT services were more equitable than TT services in 2017 and that the overall taxi service in 2017 was more equitable than that of 2010.



许多人批评传统出租车(TT)服务的不平等,并相信乘出租车(RT)的进入可以解决这一问题。但是,这在文献中尚未得到研究。本文旨在通过分析2010年和2017年纽约市TT和RT的出行数据(RT进入前后)来估算高峰时段TT和RT服务的公平性,并研究RT的进入如何影响公平性。 。首先,我们使用Lorenz曲线和基尼系数来估计出租车服务对人口和就业的公平性。结果显示,2017年RT的权益高于TT的权益,2017年TT + RT的权益高于2010的权益。应用混合地理加权回归(MGWR)来确定出租车行程与人口/就业之间的关系在不同的出租车区域之间是否会有所不同。本地人口/就业系数的变异系数(CV)被用作公平指标。结果显示,2017年RT服务比TT服务更公平,2017年的出租车总服务比2010年更公平。
