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Towards analyzing large graphs with quantum annealing and quantum gate computers
arXiv - CS - Emerging Technologies Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: arxiv-2006.16702
Hannu Reittu, Ville Kotovirta, Lasse Leskel\"a, Hannu Rummukainen, Tomi R\"aty

The use of quantum computing in graph community detection and regularity checking related to Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma (SRL) are demonstrated with D-Wave Systems' quantum annealer and simulations. We demonstrate the capability of quantum computing in solving hard problems relevant to big data. A new community detection algorithm based on SRL is also introduced and tested. In worst case scenario of regularity check we use Grover's algorithm and quantum phase estimation algorithm, in order to speed-up computations using a quantum gate computers.



D-Wave Systems 的量子退火器和模拟演示了量子计算在图社区检测和与 Szemeredi 的正则性引理 (SRL) 相关的正则性检查中的使用。我们展示了量子计算在解决与大数据相关的难题方面的能力。还介绍并测试了一种基于 SRL 的新社区检测算法。在最坏情况下,我们使用 Grover 算法和量子相位估计算法来加速使用量子门计算机的计算。