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Study of direct and resonant breakup of radioactive nuclei of7Be produced in112Sn(6Li,7Be) reaction
Physical Review C ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 
D. Chattopadhyay, S. Santra, A. Pal, A. Kundu, K. Ramachandran, R. Tripathi, T. N. Nag, S. Kailas

Cross-sections for direct and resonant breakup of radioactive 7Be nuclei produced in a transfer reaction 112Sn(6Li,7Beα+3He)111In, have been measured. Breakup of 7Be into α and 3He cluster fragments via its resonant states of 7/2(4.47 MeV) and 5/2 (6.73 MeV) in the continuum have been identified for the first time using the measured distribution of α-3He relative energy and reaction Q-value obtained from the α-3He coincident events. The breakup cross-sections extracted from the efficiency corrected coincidence yield compares well with the results of the coupled channels calculations. Significant cross-sections for breakup of 7Be into its cluster fragments directly or through resonant states highlight the importance of the ground state structure of 7Be as a cluster of α and 3He.



放射性物质直接和共振分解的横截面 7在转移反应中产生核 112锡(67α+3他)111在,已被测量。分手7对...感兴趣 α3他通过其共振状态将片段聚类 7/2-(4.47 MeV)和 5/2- 连续峰中的(6.73 MeV)首次使用测得的 α--3他从中获得的相对能量和反应Q值 α--3他是一起偶然事件。从效率校正后的重合产量中提取的破碎截面与耦合通道计算的结果具有很好的比较。断面的重要横截面7直接或通过共振态进入其团簇碎片突出了基态结构的重要性 7作为一个集群 α3他。