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Thouless energy challenges thermalization on the ergodic side of the many-body localization transition
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.102.014201
Ángel L. Corps , Rafael A. Molina , Armando Relaño

We study the ergodic side of the many-body localization transition in its standard model, the disordered Heisenberg quantum spin chain. We show that the Thouless energy, extracted from long-range spectral statistics and the power-spectrum of the full momentum distribution fluctuations, is not large enough to guarantee thermalization. We find that both estimates coincide and behave nonmonotonically, exhibiting a strong peak at an intermediate value of the disorder. Furthermore, we show that nonthermalizing initial conditions occur well within the ergodic phase with larger probability than expected. Finally, we propose a mechanism, driven by the Thouless energy and the presence of anomalous events, for the transition to the localized phase.


