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Re-evaluating evidence of Australian eurypterids
Gondwana Research ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2020.06.002
Russell D.C. Bicknell , Patrick M. Smith , Markus Poschmann

Abstract Eurypterids, the so-called sea scorpions, are a group of extinct chelicerates with a diversity of over 250 species. Although the group has a distribution across most of the globe, the majority of taxa are known from the northern Hemisphere. Despite the general palaeontological interest in sea scorpions, Gondwanan—specifically Australian—taxa have received little consideration. To rectify this, we collate data on Australian sea scorpion material from the Gogo, Melbourne and Montys Hut formations, the Humevale and Muttama Creek siltstones and the Wilson Creek Shale. The studied material spans the late Silurian to the late Devonian and highlights a rich Pterygotidae fauna, especially in the state of Victoria. We conclude that presently there is insufficient material to erect new taxa. However, further collecting of material—especially the Wilson Creek Shale and the Montys Hut Formation—will uncover more material to aid in understanding the most southern, Gondwanan eurypterids.



摘要 Eurypterids,即所谓的海蝎,是一组已灭绝的螯肢动物,有250多种。尽管该群体分布在全球大部分地区,但大多数分类群都来自北半球。尽管人们普遍对海蝎古生物学感兴趣,但冈瓦纳(特别是澳大利亚)类群却很少受到考虑。为了纠正这个问题,我们整理了来自 Gogo、Melbourne 和 Montys Hut 地层、Humevale 和 Muttama Creek 粉砂岩以及 Wilson Creek 页岩的澳大利亚海蝎材料数据。研究的材料跨越了志留纪晚期到泥盆纪晚期,并突出了丰富的翼龙科动物群,尤其是在维多利亚州。我们得出结论,目前没有足够的材料来建立新的分类群。然而,