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Osmo-Protectant Solute Studies Revealed Their Involvement in Stress Adaptation in Invasive Alien Species Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), Parthenium hysterophorous L. (Asteraceae), Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae) and Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) under Abiotic Stress Like Conditions
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s2075111720020101
Arun Dev Sharma , Shivani


Invasive Alien Species are non-native plant species that displace native species and pose adverse effects to environment, ecosystem, economy and human health by diminishing the growth of native plants and also possess higher stress tolerance. In our present study four invasive alien species, namely Lantana camara, Parthenium hysterophorous, Ricinus communis and Ageratum conyzoides, were studied from different locations. Plants growing under natural environmental conditions were sampled at random in the vicinity of Jalandhar. In order to gain insight into biochemical basis of invasiveness of the plants, samples were subjected to osmo-protectant proline and glycine betaine studies. Indices of oxidative stress like malondialdehyde (MDA) were also studied. Increase in proline and glycine betaine, osmo-protectant solutes was observed under adverse conditions. On the basis of obtained results, it could be concluded that studied plants viz.= namely P. hysterophorus, L. camara, R. communis and A. conyzoides have the potential to cope with abiotic stress like high temperature, which could be the cause of the invasiveness and vast adaptability of the plant.




外来入侵物种是非本地植物物种,它们通过减少本地植物的生长而取代本地物种并对环境,生态系统,经济和人类健康造成不利影响,并且还具有较高的胁迫耐受性。在我们目前的研究中,有四种入侵外来物种,即马Lan丹,,属爬山虎蓖麻,香叶ger香。,是从不同位置进行研究的。在Jalandhar附近随机取样在自然环境条件下生长的植物。为了深入了解植物入侵的生化基础,对样品进行了渗透保护脯氨酸和甘氨酸甜菜碱的研究。还研究了氧化应激指标,如丙二醛(MDA)。在不利条件下观察到脯氨酸和甘氨酸甜菜碱,渗透保护溶质的增加。在取得成果的基础上,可以得出结论,所研究的植物即=即P.菊马缨丹蓖麻胜红蓟 有潜力应对高温等非生物胁迫,这可能是植物入侵和广泛适应的原因。