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Temporal optical processes in a Rydberg gas
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-29 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/ab9767
J T Mendonça

In this paper, we discuss temporal optical phenomena in a gas of Rydberg atoms, which can take place in the presence of varying quasi-static electric fields and control laser beams. This includes the discussion of spectral changes of probe laser beams, associated with purely temporal processes created by Stark and ac-Stark shifts of the atomic susceptibility. Such changes include phase and group velocity perturbations, time delays, frequency shifts, and other temporal changes of the transmitted and reflected probe signals. We mainly focus on ultrafast temporal transitions, known as time-refraction, and their specific signatures, which envolve the occurrence of a temporally induced reflection coefficient. Our model assumes that the temporal variations of the applied Stark shifts are much shorter than the Rydberg life-times. We also discuss the optical properties of a temporally perturbed Rydberg-EIT configuration, and the expected influence of dipole blockade. This could eventual...


