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Investment in EV charging spots for parking
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tnse.2019.2922594
Brendan Badia , Randall A. Berry , Ermin Wei

As demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is expanding, meeting the need for charging infrastructure, especially in urban areas, has become a critical issue. One method of adding charging stations is to install them at parking spots. This increases the value of these spots to EV drivers needing to charge their vehicles. However, there is a cost to constructing these spots and such spots may preclude drivers not needing to charge from using them, reducing the parking options for such drivers. We look at two models for how decisions surrounding investment in charging stations on existing parking spots may be undertaken. First, we analyze two firms who compete overinstalling stations under government set mandates or subsidies. Given the cost of constructing spots and the competitiveness of the markets, we find it is ambiguous whether setting higher mandates or higher subsidies for spot construction leads to better aggregate outcomes. Second, we look at a system operator who faces uncertainty on the size of the EV market. If they are risk neutral, we find a relatively small change in the uncertainty of the EV market can lead to large changes in the optimal charging capacity.



随着对电动汽车 (EV) 的需求不断扩大,满足充电基础设施的需求,尤其是在城市地区,已成为一个关键问题。添加充电站的一种方法是将它们安装在停车位。这增加了这些地点对需要为车辆充电的电动汽车司机的价值。然而,建造这些地点是有成本的,而且这些地点可能会阻止不需要收费的司机使用它们,从而减少了这些司机的停车选择。我们研究了如何围绕现有停车位的充电站投资做出决策的两种模型。首先,我们分析了两家在政府规定或补贴下竞争超额安装站的公司。考虑到建设景点的成本和市场的竞争力,我们发现,为现场建设设定更高的授权或更高的补贴是否会带来更好的总体结果是模棱两可的。其次,我们来看一家面临电动汽车市场规模不确定性的系统运营商。如果它们是风险中性的,我们发现电动汽车市场的不确定性相对较小的变化会导致最佳充电容量的较大变化。