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Multiattribute Framework for Requirements Elicitation in Phased Array Radar Systems
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tem.2018.2878688
Matthew Tompkins , Ronald Iammartino , John Fossaceca

This paper presents a novel framework for improving project outcomes by ensuring that systems requirements can be verified and validated against project objectives and constraints. The multiattribute process ensures that each requirement makes a measurable contribution toward meeting a system's intended use while considering the impact of known constraints. This new framework aims to increase the likelihood of program success by identifying and valuing requirements in the early stages of a system's development. This research very explicitly extends previous research and aims to overcome complications that have persisted within the literature with regard to selecting and prioritizing system requirements. The authors present the first demonstration of applying analytic hierarchy process to prioritize requirements for a United States Navy Phased Array Radar and use a novel methodology for applying AHP's ratings approach to requirements prioritization.


