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IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1109/mie.2020.2999153

In the March 2020 issue of IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, there was an error in the Society News article “Bijnan Bandyopadhyay Delivers a Distinguished Lecture in Brazil.” The fourth paragraph should read: In his second lecture, Bandyopadhyay explained that the complete solution of discrete-time SMC could be obtained by using only a multirate outputfeedback technique and concluded that the method’s results remove the bottleneck to real-world applications. We apologize for the error. In the March 2020 issue of IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, there was an error in the Society News article “Call for IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Award Nominations.” In the article, it was stated that the Society’s Early Career Award was “(Previously the J. David Irwin Early Career Award).” The award is still the J. David Irwin Early Career Award.



在2020年3月的《 IEEE工业电子杂志》上,社会新闻文章“ Bijnan Bandyopadhyay在巴西举行了杰出的演讲”中出现了错误。第四段应为:在第二讲中,Bandyopadhyay解释说,仅使用多速率输出反馈技术就可以获得离散时间SMC的完整解决方案,并得出结论,该方法的结果消除了实际应用的瓶颈。对于错误,我们深表歉意。在2020年3月的IEEE工业电子杂志上,协会新闻文章“呼吁IEEE工业电子学会奖提名”存在错误。文章中指出,协会的早期职业奖是“(以前是J. David Irwin早期职业奖)。” 该奖项仍然是J. David Irwin早期职业奖。