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Chemical, Textural and Thermal Analyses of Local Interactions Between Lava Flow and a Tree – Case Study From Pāhoa, Hawai’i
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00233
Jonas Biren , Andrew Harris , Hugh Tuffen , Magdalena Oryaëlle Chevrel , Lucia Gurioli , Ivan Vlastélic , Federica Schiavi , Mhammed Benbakkar , Claire Fonquernie , Laura Calabro

Because many volcanoes are densely vegetated, understanding of the interactions between active lava flows and trees is essential for robust hazard modeling. Tree molds − lava flow features generated when advancing lava engulfs and combusts trees − are widely documented but have, to date, only been described qualitatively. Detailed, quantitative studies of molds can, however, provide insights into the nature of lava-forest interactions. Here, we present a unique characterization of the chemical, textural and thermal interactions between lava and a tree (an Albizia), taking as a case type a basaltic pāhoehoe lava flow that traveled 20 km through Hawaiian rainforest on Kilauea’s East Rift Zone between June and December 2014. The dataset includes chemical analyses of lava (major, trace and volatile species) at the lava-tree contact, quantitative descriptions of lava texture (density, vesicle and crystal populations), and thermal analysis to fingerprint the devolatilization and combustion of wood as well as with cooling and crystallization of lava around the tree. We use these results to construct a three-stage thermal model to describe heat transfer between the lava and the tree, showing how the interaction facilitates combustion of wood and release of its volatile species (CO2 and H2O) into the lava, whilst triggering enhanced cooling and crystallization of lava surrounding the tree. Chemical analyses reveal that the inflating pāhoehoe at the lava-tree contact was strongly CO2-enriched (up to 1200 ppm), and textural data show that lava is denser at the contact. Moreover, lava crystallinity indicates a cooling rate of ∼70°C min–1 at the lava-tree contact, a rate well above the expected cooling rates (30°C min–1) for pāhoehoe more distant (40 m away) from the tree. We conclude that the tree had a local cooling effect on the lava that could potentially influence lava properties at larger scale if tree density, trunk diameter and moisture content are sufficiently high.



由于许多火山都是茂密的植被,因此了解活跃的熔岩流和树木之间的相互作用对于进行强大的危害建模至关重要。树状霉菌-推进熔岩吞噬和燃烧树木时产生的熔岩流动特征-已有大量文献记载,但迄今为止,仅进行了定性描述。但是,对霉菌进行详细的定量研究可以深入了解熔岩与森林相互作用的本质。在这里,我们展示了熔岩与树木(Albizia)之间化学,结构和热相互作用的独特特征,以玄武岩的phoehoe熔岩流为例,该熔岩流在6月至6月之间穿过基拉韦厄东裂谷地区的夏威夷雨林穿越了20公里。 2014年12月。数据集包括熔岩与树木接触处熔岩(主要,痕量和挥发性物种)的化学分析,熔岩质地(密度,囊泡和晶体种群)的定量描述,以及热分析以指纹识别木材的挥发度和燃烧以及树木周围熔岩的冷却和结晶。我们使用这些结果构建一个三阶段热模型来描述熔岩和树木之间的热传递,从而显示相互作用如何促进木材燃烧和释放其挥发性物质(CO2和H 2 O)注入熔岩,同时引发围绕树木的熔岩增强的冷却和结晶。化学分析表明,熔岩-树接触处的膨胀p被强烈富集了CO 2(高达1200 ppm),并且结构数据表明熔岩在接触处更致密。此外,熔岩的结晶度表明在熔岩与树的接触处的冷却速度约为70°C min –1,该速度远高于预期的冷却速度(30°C min –1),与离地面较远(40 m远)的phoehoe相距较远。树。我们得出的结论是,如果树木密度,树干直径和水分含量足够高,则树木对熔岩具有局部冷却作用,这可能会在更大范围内影响熔岩特性。
