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A Data-Independent Distance to Infeasibility for Linear Conic Systems
SIAM Journal on Optimization ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1137/18m1189464
Javier Pen͂a , Vera Roshchina

SIAM Journal on Optimization, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 1049-1066, January 2020.
We offer a unified treatment of distinct measures of well-posedness for homogeneous conic systems. To that end, we introduce a distance to infeasibility based entirely on geometric considerations of the elements defining the conic system. Our approach sheds new light on and connects several well-known condition measures for conic systems, including Renegar's distance to infeasibility, the Grassmannian condition measure, a measure of the most interior solution, and other geometric measures of symmetry and of depth of the conic system.



我们对均匀圆锥系统的不同适定性度量进行统一处理。为此,我们完全基于定义圆锥系统的元素的几何考虑,引入了到不可行的距离。我们的方法为圆锥形系统提供了新的视角,并将其连接起来,包括几个著名的条件度量,包括Renegar到不可行的距离,格拉斯曼条件度量,最内部解的度量以及圆锥形系统的对称性和深度的其他几何度量。 。