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Comparison of the Deep Atmospheric Dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in Light of the Juno and Cassini Gravity Measurements
Space Science Reviews ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11214-020-00705-7
Yohai Kaspi , Eli Galanti , Adam P. Showman , David J. Stevenson , Tristan Guillot , Luciano Iess , Scott J. Bolton

The nature and structure of the observed east-west flows on Jupiter and Saturn have been a long-standing mystery in planetary science. This mystery has been recently unraveled by the accurate gravity measurements provided by the Juno mission to Jupiter and the Grand Finale of the Cassini mission to Saturn. These two experiments, which coincidentally happened around the same time, allowed the determination of the overall vertical and meridional profiles of the zonal flows on both planets. This paper reviews the topic of zonal jets on the gas giants in light of the new data from these two experiments. The gravity measurements not only allow the depth of the jets to be constrained, yielding the inference that the jets extend to roughly 3000 and 9000 km below the observed clouds on Jupiter and Saturn, respectively, but also provide insights into the mechanisms controlling these zonal flows. Specifically, for both planets this depth corresponds to the depth where electrical conductivity is within an order of magnitude of 1 S m −1 , implying that the magnetic field likely plays a key role in damping the zonal flows. An intrinsic characteristic of any gravity inversion, as discussed here, is that the solutions might not be unique. We analyze the robustness of the solutions and present several independent lines of evidence supporting the results presented here.



在木星和土星上观察到的东西流的性质和结构一直是行星科学中的一个长期谜团。最近,朱诺号前往木星的任务和卡西尼号前往土星的任务的大结局提供了准确的重力测量,从而解开了这个谜团。这两个实验巧合地同时发生,可以确定两颗行星上纬向流的整体垂直和子午剖面。本文根据这两个实验的新数据回顾了气态巨行星上纬向射流的话题。重力测量不仅限制了喷流的深度,还得出了喷流分别延伸到木星和土星上观测到的云层下方大约 3000 和 9000 公里的推论,但也提供了对控制这些区域流动的机制的见解。具体而言,对于两颗行星,该深度对应于电导率在 1 S m -1 数量级内的深度,这意味着磁场可能在抑制纬向流中起关键作用。正如这里所讨论的,任何重力反演的一个内在特征是解可能不是唯一的。我们分析了解决方案的稳健性,并提供了几个独立的证据来支持这里提出的结果。正如这里所讨论的,任何重力反演的一个内在特征是解可能不是唯一的。我们分析了解决方案的稳健性,并提供了几个独立的证据来支持这里提出的结果。正如这里所讨论的,任何重力反演的一个内在特征是解可能不是唯一的。我们分析了解决方案的稳健性,并提供了几个独立的证据来支持这里提出的结果。