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Sporophyte Biomorphology of Athyrium Species in the Various Environmental Conditions of South Siberia
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520030063
I. I. Gureyeva


The aim of this work is to present biomorphological characteristics of ferns of the genus Athyrium Roth in southern Siberia and identify changes in the sporophyte life form during ontogenesis and in individuals of the same biological age in various ecological and coenotic conditions. The most important thing when identifying the life form of fern sporophytes is studying the formation of its perennial part—the rhizome. We define the life form of Athyrium species of southern Siberia as summer green polycyclic densely rosette ferns with monopodial–dichotomously growing underground–aboveground rhizomes and monomorphous homoiohydric fronds. It is represented by two variants: (1) large-rhizome orthotropic weakly branching vegetatively non-growing monocentric ferns (Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth. and A. monomachii Komarov, and A. sinense Rupr.) and (2) large-rhizome ascending weakly branching and weakly vegetatively growing monocentric or implicit-polycentric ferns (A. distentifolium Tausch ex Opiz). Neither variants allow vegetative propagation or vegetative self-maintenance of the population. Our study shows that during sporophyte ontogenesis the sizes of rhizomes and fronds increase and the branching ability of rhizomes is implemented. The branching is dichotomous: the daughter branches are formed inside the terminal bud of the maternal branch and become distinguishable only after several years. It has been determined that rhizome remains uniaxial throughout its entire life in sporophytes with low vitality, whereas the rhizomes of the sporophytes with high vitality usually branch out. Rhizome branching starts in young spore-bearing sporophytes. The largest number of branches of the rhizome and, consequently, rosettes of fronds is typical for middle-aged spore-bearing sporophytes. At the end of the life of the sporophytes with branched rhizomes, non-specialized disintegration (senile partitioning) occurs. It is expressed in the disintegration of the rhizome into the separate branches. According to the results of a study in various phytocoenoses of Kuznetsk Alatau, the intensity of rhizome branching in sporophytes of the same ontogenetic stage depends on environmental conditions: the rhizomes of A. filix-femina produce a larger number of branches in more light mixed forests (fir–aspen and fir–birch); in A. distentifolium, the intensity of the rhizome branching increases from the forest zone to the subalpine one.




这项工作的目的是介绍西伯利亚南部的Athyrium Roth属蕨类的生物形态学特征,并确定在个体发育过程中以及在各种生态和共生条件下处于相同生物学年龄的个体中孢子体生命形式的变化。确定蕨类孢子体生命形式时,最重要的是研究其多年生部分的根状茎的形成。我们将西伯利亚南部的Athyrium物种的生命形式定义为夏季绿色的多环致密玫瑰花蕨类植物,它们具有单脚状-二分生长的地下-地上根状茎和单态同水合叶状体。它由两个变体表示:(1)大根茎正交各向异性弱分支无营养的单中心蕨类植物(Athyrium filix-femina(L.)Roth。和A. monomachii Komarov和A. sinense Rupr。)和(2)大根茎上升弱支化和无营养生长的单中心或隐性多中心蕨类植物(A. distentifoliumTausch ex Opiz)。两种变体都不允许种群的营养繁殖或营养自我维持。我们的研究表明,在孢子体的发生过程中,根茎和叶状体的大小增加,并且根茎的分支能力得以实现。分枝是二分的:子枝在母体分支的顶芽内形成,仅在数年后才可辨别。已经确定,在生命力低的孢子体的整个生命中,根状茎保持单轴生长,而生命力高的孢子体的根状茎通常分支出来。根状茎的分支开始于年轻的带有孢子的孢子体。根茎的分支数量最多,因此,叶状体的花环数量最多,是中年产孢子体的典型特征。在具有分支状根状茎的孢子体寿命的尽头,发生了非专业的崩解(老年性分裂)。它表现为根茎分解成单独的分支。根据对库兹涅茨克阿拉特州各种植物表皮的研究结果,同一成虫期的孢子体中的根状茎分支强度取决于环境条件:Filix-femina在较轻的混交林(杉木和冷杉桦木)中产生大量分支。在A. distentifolium中,根茎分支的强度从森林带向亚高山带增加。