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The Liber Theoreumacie (1214) and the Early History of the Quadrans Vetus
Journal for the History of Astronomy ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0021828619885504
C. Philipp E. Nothaft 1

The Liber theoreumacie is a neglected work of practical geometry, written in Strasbourg in 1214, which sheds valuable light on the study and practice of astronomy in early thirteenth-century Europe. In this article, I focus on the first two chapters of Book IV, which both deal with the construction of horary instruments. The first of these chapters contains the earliest known account of the type of universal horary quadrant known as quadrans vetus, which is here given a biblical pedigree by labelling it the “sundial of Ahaz.” The second chapter describes a graphical method of inscribing hour markings on the surface of an astrolabe’s alidade, which appears to have been introduced into Latin Europe by the twelfth-century translator John of Seville. A critical edition and translation of the relevant passages will conclude the article.


Liber Theoreumacie (1214) 和 Quadrans Vetus 的早期历史

Liber theoreumacie 是一部被忽视的实用几何学著作,于 1214 年在斯特拉斯堡写成,它为 13 世纪早期欧洲的天文学研究和实践提供了宝贵的启示。在本文中,我将重点介绍第四册的前两章,这两章都涉及钟表的构造。这些章节中的第一章包含已知最早的对称为quadrans vetus 的通用历时象限类型的描述,在此通过将其标记为“亚哈斯日晷”来给出圣经的谱系。第二章描述了一种在星盘表面刻上小时标记的图形方法,这种方法似乎是由 12 世纪塞维利亚的翻译家约翰引入拉丁欧洲的。相关段落的批判性版本和翻译将结束本文。