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Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the barbell bench press exercise: Unveiling the biomechanical function of the triceps brachii
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-17 , DOI: 10.1177/1754337120917831
Andrea Biscarini 1 , Andrea Calandra 2 , Samuele Contemori 3

A three-dimensional biomechanical model has been developed to understand and quantify the effect of the triceps brachii force during bench press exercises executed with different external loads, grip widths, and positions of the barbell relative to the shoulders at the beginning of the lift. The upper limbs, chest, and barbell were modeled as a closed three-dimensional articulated system. The elbow extension torque τ E ext developed by the triceps brachii is transferred through the links of the closed chain, yielding a shoulder transverse-flexion torque f flex τ E ext , shoulder adduction torque f add τ E ext , and shoulder internal-rotation torque f ir τ E ext proportional to τ E ext . The proportionality factors f flex , f add , and f ir are independent of the load and displayed a considerable change during the lift: f flex increased from 0.5 to 2, while f add and f ir decreased progressively to zero, with a value at the beginning of the lift between 0.5 and 1 depending on the starting barbell position and grip width. Overall, τ E ext considerably decreased the demand for shoulder transverse-flexion and adduction muscle-torque, slightly increased the demand for shoulder abduction muscle-torque in the final phase of the lift, and induced a shoulder internal-rotation torque that should be equilibrated by an opposite torque developed by the shoulder external rotators. With the results of this study, sport practitioners can manage the variants and kinematics of the bench press exercise to modulate the effect of the triceps brachii force on the mechanical output during different phases of the lift and planes of movement.



已经开发了一个 3D 生物力学模型,以了解和量化在不同外部负载、握距宽度和杠铃开始时杠铃相对于肩部位置的卧推练习中肱三头肌力量的影响。上肢、胸部和杠铃被建模为一个封闭的三维关节系统。肱三头肌产生的肘部伸展扭矩τ E ext 通过闭合链的链接传递,产生肩部横向弯曲扭矩f flex τ E ext 、肩部内收扭矩f add τ E ext 和肩部内旋扭矩f ir τ E ext 与τ E ext 成正比。比例因子 f flex 、f add 和 f ir 与负载无关,并且在提升过程中显示出相当大的变化:f flex 从 0 增加。5 到 2,而 f add 和 f ir 逐渐减少到零,在开始时的值在 0.5 和 1 之间,具体取决于起始杠铃位置和握距。总体而言,τ E ext 显着降低了肩部横向弯曲和内收肌肉扭矩的需求,略微增加了最后阶段对肩外展肌肉扭矩的需求,并诱导了应该平衡的肩内旋扭矩通过肩部外旋器产生的相反扭矩。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。举重开始时的数值在 0.5 和 1 之间,具体取决于起始杠铃位置和握距。总体而言,τ E ext 显着降低了肩部横向弯曲和内收肌肉扭矩的需求,略微增加了最后阶段对肩外展肌肉扭矩的需求,并诱导了应该平衡的肩内旋扭矩通过肩部外旋肌产生的相反扭矩。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。举重开始时的值在 0.5 和 1 之间,具体取决于起始杠铃位置和握距。总体而言,τ E ext 显着降低了肩部横向弯曲和内收肌肉扭矩的需求,略微增加了最后阶段对肩外展肌肉扭矩的需求,并诱导了应该平衡的肩内旋扭矩通过肩部外旋器产生的相反扭矩。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。τ E ext 显着降低了肩部横向弯曲和内收肌肉扭矩的需求,在最后阶段略微增加了肩外展肌肉扭矩的需求,并引起了应该由一个平衡的肩内旋扭矩肩部外旋肌产生的相反扭矩。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。τ E ext 显着降低了肩部横向弯曲和内收肌肉扭矩的需求,在最后阶段略微增加了肩外展肌肉扭矩的需求,并引起了应该由一个平衡的肩内旋扭矩肩部外旋肌产生的相反扭矩。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。并引起肩部内旋扭矩,该扭矩应由肩部外旋器产生的相反扭矩平衡。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。并引起肩部内旋扭矩,该扭矩应由肩部外旋器产生的相反扭矩平衡。根据这项研究的结果,运动从业者可以管理卧推运动的变体和运动学,以调节肱三头肌力量对不同举升阶段和运动平面的机械输出的影响。