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Functional Evolving Patterns of Cortical Networks in Progression of Alzheimer's Disease: A Graph-Based Resting-State fMRI Study.
Neural Plasticity ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-29 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/7839536
Wei Li 1, 2 , Wen Wen 1, 2 , Xi Chen 1, 2 , BingJie Ni 1, 2 , Xuefeng Lin 1, 2 , Wenliang Fan 3, 4 , The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 5

AD is a common chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorder. However, the understanding of the dynamic longitudinal change of the brain in the progression of AD is still rough and sometimes conflicting. This paper analyzed the brain networks of healthy people and patients at different stages (EMCI, LMCI, and AD). The results showed that in global network properties, most differences only existed between healthy people and patients, and few were discovered between patients at different stages. However, nearly all subnetwork properties showed significant differences between patients at different stages. Moreover, the most interesting result was that we found two different functional evolving patterns of cortical networks in progression of AD, named ‘temperature inversion’ and “monotonous decline,” but not the same monotonous decline trend as the external functional assessment observed in the course of disease progression. We suppose that those subnetworks, showing the same functional evolving pattern in AD progression, may have something the same in work mechanism in nature. And the subnetworks with ‘temperature inversion’ evolving pattern may play a special role in the development of AD.


