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Optimizing the spatial spread of a quantum walk
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 
Gonzalo Martín-Vázquez, Javier Rodríguez-Laguna

We devise a protocol to build 1D time-dependent quantum walks in 1D maximizing the spatial spread throughout the procedure. We allow only one of the physical parameters of the coin-tossing operator to vary, i.e. the angle θ, such that for θ=0 we have the σ̂z, while for θ=π/4 we obtain the Hadamard gate. The optimal θ sequences present non-trivial patterns, with mostly θ0 alternated with θπ/4 values after increasingly long periods. We provide an analysis of the entanglement properties, quasi-energy spectrum and survival probability, providing a full physical picture.



我们设计了一种协议,以在1D中建立1D时间相关的量子游走,从而在整个过程中最大化空间分布。我们仅允许抛硬币操作员的一个物理参数发生变化,即角度θ,这样 θ=0 我们有 σ̂ž,而 θ=π/4我们获得了哈达玛门。最优的θ 序列呈现出非平凡的模式,大部分 θ0 与...交替 θπ/4长期增长后的价值。我们提供了纠缠特性,准能量谱和生存概率的分析,提供了完整的物理图像。