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Review of the deepwater cardinalfish genus Microichthys Rüppell 1852, with the description of a new species from the Azores Islands (Teleostei: Epigonidae)
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00733-x
Ronald Fricke , Francesc Ordines , Andrew Williston

The epinonid fish genus Microichthys Rüppell 1852 is reviewed. The genus includes three valid species: M. coccoi Rüppell 1852 and M. sanzoi Spartà 1950 from the Mediterranean Sea; M. atlanticus sp. nov. from the Azores, northeastern Atlantic Ocean, characterized by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays VII + I, 8–9; anal-fin rays II, 8; total pectoral-fin rays 18; total gill rakers 20–23; pyloric caeca 4; pored lateral-line scales 41–43 + 2; vomerine teeth 6, in a single row; denticles on posterior margin of preopercle 6–21, on lower margin 1–2; nape slightly humped; bony rim of orbit not raised above dorsal profile; ridge present in interorbital region; oblique dark lateral bars 18–22, lower counter-bars 7; vertical black bar on anterior caudal peduncle absent; peritoneum pale; pelvic fins pale. A key to the species of Microichthys is presented.


1852 年对深水红雀鱼属 Microichthys Rüppell 的回顾,描述了来自亚速尔群岛的一个新物种(Teleostei:Epigonidae)

回顾了 Epinonid 鱼属 Microichthys Rüppell 1852。该属包括三个有效种:来自地中海的 M. coccoi Rüppell 1852 和 M. sanzoi Spartà 1950;M. atlanticus sp. 十一月 来自大西洋东北部的亚速尔群岛,具有以下特征组合:背鳍条 VII + I,8-9;臀鳍鱼 II, 8; 胸鳍总鳍条 18;总鳃耙 20-23;幽门盲肠 4; 有孔的侧线鳞片 41-43 + 2;犁齿6颗,单排;小齿在前鳃盖骨 6-21 的后缘,下缘 1-2;颈背微微隆起;眶骨边缘未高于背侧轮廓;存在于眶间区域的脊;18-22 条斜暗侧条,较低的反条 7;前尾柄上的垂直黑条不存在;腹膜苍白;腹鳍苍白。