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Vibration reduction of delta robot based on trajectory planning
Mechanism and Machine Theory ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.104004
Mingkun Wu , Jiangping Mei , Yanqin Zhao , Wentie Niu

Abstract In this paper, trajectory planning is used to suppress vibration of the Delta robot. Firstly, elastodynamic model of the Delta robot based on KED (Kineto-Elastic-Dynamic) method, substructure synthesis technology and Lagrange equation while considering the flexibility of the links, joints and reducers is built. Secondly, the trajectory planning is performed using polynomial function in the operating space, and its influence on output torque of three motors and elastic deformation of the moving platform is analyzed. Based on these, a comprehensive optimization objective is proposed for trajectory optimization, which is to minimize the maximum absolute elastic deformation and the mean absolute elastic deformation of the moving platform in two directions. Meanwhile, output torque of three motors is constrained. Finally, an optimal trajectory with minimum vibration is solved in the operating space. Results show that the optimal trajectory can effectively reduce elastic deformation of the moving platform.



摘要 本文采用轨迹规划来抑制Delta机器人的振动。首先,基于KED(Kineto-Elastic-Dynamic)方法、子结构综合技术和拉格朗日方程,同时考虑连杆、关节和减速器的柔性,建立了Delta机器人的弹性动力学模型。其次,利用操作空间中的多项式函数进行轨迹规划,分析其对三台电机输出扭矩和动平台弹性变形的影响。在此基础上,提出了轨迹优化的综合优化目标,即使移动平台在两个方向上的最大绝对弹性变形和平均绝对弹性变形最小。同时,三个电机的输出转矩受到约束。最后,在操作空间中解决了具有最小振动的最佳轨迹。结果表明,最优轨迹可以有效减小移动平台的弹性变形。