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In search of economically significant food losses: Evidence from Tunisia and Egypt
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101912
Gustavo Anriquez , William Foster , Jorge Ortega , Jozimo Santos Rocha

Abstract Large estimates of food losses among farms and intermediaries publicized recently by several international organizations invite the question: Why do economic decision makers live with such losses? The intuitive, economic response would be that the marginal benefits of loss reduction do not exceed the marginal costs. This paper analyzes the possibility that economically significant losses nevertheless might be occurring at the farm and wholesale levels in two cases that have drawn attention in the Near East and North Africa. In Tunisia, concerns exist that farm equipment, especially harvesting equipment, is a major source of wheat losses in a country for which the grain plays an important role in diets and the national import bill. Our analysis finds that smaller wheat farms do have relatively large physical losses, compared to large farms, attributable to the use of older and imperfectly adjusted harvesting equipment. Nevertheless, given the scale of most operations in Tunisia, there is little incentive for farmers to make the specific investments that would significantly reduce losses. In Egypt, local experts have focused on large post-harvest losses of tomatoes, an important crop, largely produced by small-scale farmers. We examine the effectiveness of plastic crates for reducing food losses in harvesting, transport and storage as compared to traditional palm crates. We find that there is perhaps a marginal gain to be had in terms of the value of losses avoided, but such gains are likely within a margin that makes adoption of plastic economically ambiguous.



摘要 最近由几个国际组织公布的农场和中间商的大量粮食损失估计引发了一个问题:为什么经济决策者要承受这样的损失?直观的经济反应是减少损失的边际收益不超过边际成本。本文分析了在近东和北非引起关注的两个案例中,农场和批发层面可能发生重大经济损失的可能性。在突尼斯,人们担心农业设备,尤其是收割设备,是该国小麦损失的主要来源,在该国,谷物在饮食和国家进口账单中起着重要作用。我们的分析发现,与大型农场相比,较小的小麦农场确实有相对较大的物理损失,归因于使用旧的和调整不完善的收割设备。然而,鉴于突尼斯的大多数经营规模,农民几乎没有动力进行可显着减少损失的特定投资。在埃及,当地专家专注于西红柿的大量收获后损失,西红柿是一种主要由小农生产的重要作物。与传统的棕榈板条箱相比,我们研究了塑料板条箱在减少收获、运输和储存过程中的食物损失方面的有效性。我们发现,就避免损失的价值而言,可能会有边际收益,但这种收益很可能在使塑料的采用在经济上模棱两可的边际范围内。鉴于突尼斯的大多数经营规模,农民几乎没有动力进行可显着减少损失的特定投资。在埃及,当地专家专注于西红柿的大量收获后损失,西红柿是一种主要由小农生产的重要作物。与传统的棕榈板条箱相比,我们研究了塑料板条箱在减少收获、运输和储存过程中的食物损失方面的有效性。我们发现,就避免的损失价值而言,可能会有边际收益,但这种收益很可能在使塑料的采用在经济上模棱两可的边际范围内。鉴于突尼斯的大多数经营规模,农民几乎没有动力进行可显着减少损失的特定投资。在埃及,当地专家专注于西红柿的大量收获后损失,西红柿是一种主要由小农生产的重要作物。与传统的棕榈板条箱相比,我们研究了塑料板条箱在减少收获、运输和储存过程中的食物损失方面的有效性。我们发现,就避免损失的价值而言,可能会有边际收益,但这种收益很可能在使塑料的采用在经济上模棱两可的边际范围内。一种重要的作物,主要由小农生产。与传统的棕榈板条箱相比,我们研究了塑料板条箱在减少收获、运输和储存过程中的食物损失方面的有效性。我们发现,就避免损失的价值而言,可能会有边际收益,但这种收益很可能在使塑料的采用在经济上模棱两可的边际范围内。一种重要的作物,主要由小农生产。与传统的棕榈板条箱相比,我们研究了塑料板条箱在减少收获、运输和储存过程中的食物损失方面的有效性。我们发现,就避免损失的价值而言,可能会有边际收益,但这种收益很可能在使塑料的采用在经济上模棱两可的边际范围内。