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Evaluation of Nutritional and Antinutritional Properties of African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms.) Seeds
Journal of Food Quality ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-27 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/6569420
Taofeek T. Adegboyega 1, 2 , Michael T. Abberton 1 , AbdelAziz H. AbdelGadir 3 , Mahamadi Dianda 3 , Busie Maziya-Dixon 4 , Olaniyi A. Oyatomi 1 , Sam Ofodile 5 , Olubukola O. Babalola 2

African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms) is an annual legume with the capacity to produce bean seeds in a pod and produce tubers with varying seed patterns and colors. It is suggested to have the potential to significantly boost food security in sub-Saharan Africa due to its considerable nutritional qualities but still yet underutilized. Many farmers show limited interest in its production owing to limited knowledge of its nutritional profile, income generation capacity for small-holder farmers’, processing, and other related utilization concerns. This study evaluated the proximate and antinutrient composition of processed and unprocessed seeds of African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms.). Seeds were harvested from the experimental research field consisting of 50 accessions at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. They were divided into two portions; the first was processed by oven drying at 60°C for 24 hours and the second was left raw. There were significant differences ( ) in the levels of proximate and antinutrient in the forms in which the samples were analyzed. TSs104 had the highest protein content of 25.08%, while the lowest was TSs68 (20.50%). However, in the unprocessed seed, protein content ranged between 24.93% (TSs38) and 19.13% (TSs11). Both processed and unprocessed seeds had high carbohydrate contents. In processed seeds, TSs9 (62.93%) had the highest percentage and TSs1 (29.64%) recorded the lowest. In unprocessed seed, the percentage ranged between 67.36% (TSs4) and 54.23% (TSs38). The observed variation may suggest possible suitability of seed for various end-use products and targeted breeding programs for crop improvements. In sub-Saharan Africa, this lesser-known legume could be adapted as a promising food crop in combating protein-energy malnutrition.


非洲山药(Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms.)种子的营养和抗营养特性评价

非洲山药豆(Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms)是一种一年生豆科植物,能够在豆荚中生产豆类种子并生产具有不同种子图案和颜色的块茎。由于其具有相当高的营养品质,但仍未得到充分利用,因此建议它有可能显着提高撒哈拉以南非洲的粮食安全。由于对其营养状况、小农的创收能力、加工和其他相关利用问题的了解有限,许多农民对其生产表现出有限的兴趣。本研究评估了非洲山药(Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) Harms.)加工和未加工种子的近似和抗营养成分。种子来自尼日利亚伊巴丹国际热带农业研究所 (IITA) 的实验研究领域,该领域由 50 个种质组成。它们被分成两部分;第一个是在 60°C 下通过烘箱干燥 24 小时,第二个是生的。在分析样品的形式中,近端营养素和抗营养素的水平存在显着差异( )。TSs104的蛋白质含量最高,为25.08%,最低的是TSs68(20.50%)。然而,在未加工的种子中,蛋白质含量介于 24.93% (TSs38) 和 19.13% (TSs11) 之间。加工过和未加工过的种子都含有高碳水化合物。在加工种子中,TSs9 (62.93%) 的百分比最高,TSs1 (29.64%) 记录的最低。在未加工的种子中,百分比介于 67.36% (TSs4) 和 54 之间。23% (TSs38)。观察到的变化可能表明种子可能适用于各种最终用途产品和有针对性的作物改良育种计划。在撒哈拉以南非洲,这种鲜为人知的豆类可以作为一种有前途的粮食作物来对抗蛋白质-能量营养不良。