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Effects of elevated concentrations of soybean molasses on feedlot performance and meat quality of lambs
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104155
Júlia Lisboa Rodrigues , Sérgio Antonio Garcia Pereira-Junior , Edivilson Silva Castro Filho , Rayanne Viana Costa , Robson Sfaciotti Barducci , Eric Haydt Castello Branco van Cleef , Jane Maria Bertocco Ezequiel

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of partial and total replacement of corn cracked grain with soybean molasses (SM) on performance and meat quality of feedlot finished lambs. Thirty crossbred lambs (Santa Inês × Dorper, three months old) were blocked by initial body weight (16.8 ± 2.2 kg), and randomly assigned to three experimental treatments. During a 70-d experimental period, the animals were fed total mixed rations containing corn silage as forage source in a 40:60 (wt/wt) forage to concentrate ratio (dry matter basis). Dietary treatments consisted of different inclusion levels of soybean molasses: 0 g/kg DM (CON), 150 g/kg DM (SM15), or 300 g/kg DM (SM30). Lambs were slaughtered for evaluation of carcass characteristics and meat quality in Longissimus thoracis muscle. The inclusion of SM did not affect neither the feedlot performance nor the carcass quality, except for the gain to feed ratio, which decreased linearly (P = 0.05). The Longissimus muscle tenderness and intramuscular fat were linearly increased (P = 0.03, P < 0.01, respectively), with increasing SM in the diet. Linear trends for pentadecanoic, heptadecenoic, γ linolenic and EPA acids (P = 0.07; P = 0.07; P = 0.07 and P = 0.09, respectively) were observed. Linear decrease was also observed for linoleic acid (P = 0.01). The addition of soybean molasses increased meat tenderness and intramuscular fat in crossbred feedlot finished lambs, when fed up to 300 g/kg DM, being a potential alternative to replace corn in feedlot diets, depending on its cost and availability.



这项研究的目的是研究用大豆糖蜜(SM)部分和全部替代玉米裂谷谷物对肥育羔羊羔的性能和肉质的影响。30只杂交羔羊(SantaInês×Dorper,三个月大)被初始体重(16.8±2.2 kg)阻塞,并随机分配给三种实验处理。在70天的实验期间,以40:60(wt / wt)的草料与浓缩物比率(以干物质为基准)向动物饲喂含有玉米青贮饲料的全部混合日粮。饮食处理包括不同含量的大豆糖蜜:0 g / kg DM(CON),150 g / kg DM(SM15)或300 g / kg DM(SM30)。宰杀羔羊肉以评估猪郎氏肉的car体特征和肉质肌肉。除了增喂率线性下降(P  = 0.05)外,SM的加入对饲养场性能和the体质量均无影响。 随着饮食中SM的增加,Longissimus肌肉的压痛和肌内脂肪呈线性增加(分别为P  = 0.03,P <0.01)。 观察到十五烷酸,十七烯酸,γ亚麻酸和EPA酸的线性趋势(分别为P  = 0.07; P  = 0.07; P  = 0.07和P = 0.09)。亚油酸(P = 0.01)。当饲喂高达300 g / kg DM时,添加大豆糖蜜会增加杂交育肥场成品羔羊的肉嫩度和肌肉内脂肪,根据其成本和可得性,它可以替代育肥场日粮中的玉米。
