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Overwinter survival, age, and growth of juvenile tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in a shallow, tidally-restricted habitat in South Carolina
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-020-00998-1
Marvin M. Mace , Matthew E. Kimball , Garrett M. Elmo , Derek P. Crane

Early life stage tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) have been collected in the western Atlantic Ocean north of Florida where it has been assumed that individuals migrate from estuarine areas at the onset of winter because water temperature during winter is too low for survival. However, there is anecdotal evidence of juvenile tarpon present during winter in this region. We conducted a tag-recapture study to examine potential overwinter survival in a tidally-restricted, upland pond in coastal South Carolina where tarpon have been observed during winter months. We also estimated the age structure of tarpon in this location to determine if age-0 fish were temporarily using this pond or if there were older individuals present, indicating the pond may be occupied for extended periods of time. We recaptured 29 of the 95 individuals tagged and released during January 2016 through October 2018. Of those 29 recaptured individuals, 13 survived one winter and two survived over two winters. Water temperature during winter in a nearby tidal creek was lower than in the pond, which appeared to provide a thermal refuge for tarpon. Estimated ages for 36 individuals ranged from 0 to 3 years (n = 10, 20, 5, 1, respectively). To our knowledge this is the northernmost documented overwintering of juvenile tarpon. Determining the extent of this type of habitat in the region and examining the population dynamics of tarpon in these locations could ultimately help determine how this region contributes to the productivity of adult tarpon populations.


南卡罗来纳州浅水区潮汐限制栖息地中幼海鲢(Megalops atlanticus)的越冬存活率、年龄和生长

早期生活阶段的海鲢 (Megalops atlanticus) 已在佛罗里达州北部的西大西洋采集,据推测,由于冬季的水温太低而无法生存,因此人们会在冬季开始时从河口地区迁徙。然而,有轶事证据表明该地区冬季存在幼年海鲢。我们进行了一项标签重新捕获研究,以检查在南卡罗来纳州沿海的潮汐限制的高地池塘中的潜在越冬存活率,在那里在冬季观察到了海鲢。我们还估计了该位置的海鲢的年龄结构,以确定 0 岁鱼是否暂时使用该池塘,或者是否有较年长的个体在场,这表明该池塘可能会被长时间占用。我们重新捕获了 2016 年 1 月至 2018 年 10 月期间标记和释放的 95 只个体中的 29 只。在这 29 只重新捕获的个体中,13 只存活了一个冬天,另外两个存活了两个冬天。附近潮汐小溪冬季的水温低于池塘,这似乎为大海鲢提供了避暑胜地。36 个人的估计年龄范围为 0 至 3 岁(分别为 n = 10、20、5、1)。据我们所知,这是有记载的最北端的海鲢幼鱼越冬。确定该地区此类栖息地的范围并检查这些地点的海鲢种群动态,最终有助于确定该地区如何促进成年海鲢种群的生产力。13个活了一个冬天,两个活了两个冬天。附近潮汐小溪冬季的水温低于池塘,这似乎为大海鲢提供了一个热避难所。36 个人的估计年龄范围为 0 至 3 岁(分别为 n = 10、20、5、1)。据我们所知,这是有记载的最北端的海鲢幼鱼越冬。确定该地区此类栖息地的范围并检查这些地点的海鲢种群动态,最终有助于确定该地区如何促进成年海鲢种群的生产力。13个活了一个冬天,两个活了两个冬天。附近潮汐小溪冬季的水温低于池塘,这似乎为大海鲢提供了避暑胜地。36 个人的估计年龄范围为 0 至 3 岁(分别为 n = 10、20、5、1)。据我们所知,这是有记载的最北端的海鲢幼鱼越冬。确定该地区此类栖息地的范围并检查这些地点的海鲢种群动态,最终有助于确定该地区如何促进成年海鲢种群的生产力。分别)。据我们所知,这是有记载的最北端的海鲢幼鱼越冬。确定该地区此类栖息地的范围并检查这些地点的海鲢种群动态,最终有助于确定该地区如何促进成年海鲢种群的生产力。分别)。据我们所知,这是有记载的最北端的海鲢幼鱼越冬。确定该地区此类栖息地的范围并检查这些地点的海鲢种群动态,最终有助于确定该地区如何促进成年海鲢种群的生产力。