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Should AI be Designed to Save Us From Ourselves?: Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mts.2020.2991502
Myanna Lahsen

The environment is being destroyed at alarming rates, undermining prospects of reconciling human wellbeing and development and respect for planetary boundaries [1]. Even a thirty percent increase in global action towards goals already en - shrined in international agreements on environment, trade and development would not achieve widely shared sustainability goals without transgressing planetary boundaries [1]. In short, existing institutions are not steering us safely towards environmental sustainability and the common good.



环境正在以惊人的速度被破坏,破坏了调和人类福祉与发展以及尊重地球边界的前景 [1]。即使在实现国际环境、贸易和发展协定中已经规定的目标方面的全球行动增加 30%,也无法在不跨越地球边界的情况下实现广泛共享的可持续性目标 [1]。简而言之,现有机构并没有安全地引导我们走向环境可持续性和共同利益。