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Fragmentation versus Cohesion
Journal of Fluid Mechanics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-25 , DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.366
Emmanuel Villermaux

Capillarity is the familiar manifestation of the cohesion of liquids. Since Laplace (Traite de mecanique celeste, vol. IV, supplement au livre X: Sur l’action capillaire, 1805, pp. 1–65), we know that intense attractive forces between the molecules bridge the small with the large as they shape liquid/vapour interfaces at the macroscopic scale through the concept of surface tension (menisci, drops, bubbles, puddles, liquid rise in tubes, etc. …). We concentrate on situations where liquids ‘disgregate’, following the neologism of Clausius (Phil. Mag., vol. 24 (159), 1862, pp. 81–97), meaning that they fragment by the action of deformation stresses whose intensity competes with that of cohesion forces. Various examples, including explosions, blow-ups, hard and soft impacts and shears applied to liquid jets, sheets and drops are reviewed. They concern applications ranging from liquid propulsion, agricultural spraying, to the formation of ocean spray, raindrops and human exhalations by violent respiratory events. In spite of their diversity, the various modes of fragment production share an ultimate common phenomenology – the ligament dynamics – suggesting that the final stable droplet size distribution can be interpreted from elementary principles.



毛细管现象是液体凝聚力的常见表现形式。自拉普拉斯 (Traite de mecanique celeste, vol. IV, Supplement au livre X: Sur l'action capillaire, 1805, pp. 1–65) 以来,我们知道分子之间的强烈吸引力在它们成形时将小分子与大分子连接起来通过表面张力的概念(弯液面、液滴、气泡、水坑、管中的液体上升等),宏观尺度上的液体/蒸汽界面。我们关注液体“分解”的情况,遵循克劳修斯的新词(Phil. Mag., vol. 24 (159), 1862, pp. 81–97),这意味着它们通过强度竞争的变形应力的作用而碎裂与凝聚力。回顾了各种例子,包括爆炸、爆炸、硬和软冲击以及应用于液体射流、薄片和液滴的剪切。它们涉及的应用范围从液体推进、农业喷洒到由剧烈呼吸事件形成的海洋喷雾、雨滴和人类呼气。尽管它们的多样性,碎片产生的各种模式都有一个最终的共同现象——韧带动力学——表明最终稳定的液滴尺寸分布可以从基本原理来解释。