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Cryptic Lives of Conspicuous Animals: Otolith Chemistry Chronicles Life Histories of Coastal Lagoon Fishes
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00417
Frederick Feyrer , Matthew Young , Darren Fong , Karin Limburg , Rachel Johnson

Bar-built coastal lagoons are dynamic ecosystems at the land-sea interface that are important habitats for a variety of species. This study examined the habitat ecology of two lagoon species, the endangered Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) and the Prickly Sculpin (Cottus asper) by reconstructing individual life histories from patterns in the concentration of the element Sr (as ratioed to Ca; Sr:Ca) in otoliths. Specific objectives were to (1) elucidate any movements of individual fishes among three primary habitat components of typical bar-built lagoon systems: coastal ocean, brackish lagoon, and freshwater watershed streams, and (2) determine if either species exhibited a consistent life history as defined by a stereotypical otolith Sr:Ca chronology, which could be indicative of a consistent range of salinity or temperature occupied through ontogeny. Results suggested that Tidewater Goby was a lagoon resident and that Prickly Sculpin exhibited migrations between lagoon and watershed stream habitats. There was no strong evidence in either species of ocean occupancy or of a stereotypical Sr:Ca chronology, the latter suggesting the full range of available lagoon habitat in terms of salinity and temperature was likely utilized at all life stages. These findings add to the body of evidence that bar-built lagoons are not isolated habitats, and holistic management of these habitats with adjoining watershed and marine environments could increase habitat connectivity across the landscape, with potential benefits to fishes.



酒吧建造的沿海泻湖是陆海交界处的动态生态系统,是各种物种的重要栖息地。本研究通过从元素 Sr(与 Ca​​ 成比例;Sr:Ca)的浓度模式重建个体生活史,研究了两种泻湖物种,濒临灭绝的潮水虾虎鱼 (Eucyclogobius newberryi) 和多刺杜鱼 (Cottus asper) ) 在耳石中。具体目标是 (1) 阐明个体鱼类在典型的条形泻湖系统的三个主要栖息地组成部分之间的任何运动:沿海海洋、咸水泻湖和淡水流域溪流,以及 (2) 确定任一物种是否表现出一致的生活史由刻板的耳石 Sr:Ca 年表定义,这可能表明个体发育所占据的盐度或温度范围一致。结果表明,Tidewater Goby 是泻湖居民,而多刺杜鱼则表现出在泻湖和流域溪流栖息地之间的迁徙。在海洋占有的物种或刻板的 Sr:Ca 年表中都没有强有力的证据,后者表明在盐度和温度方面的所有可用泻湖栖息地可能在所有生命阶段都被利用。这些发现补充了大量证据,表明酒吧建造的泻湖不是孤立的栖息地,对这些栖息地与毗邻的流域和海洋环境进行整体管理可以增加整个景观的栖息地连通性,对鱼类有潜在的好处。结果表明,Tidewater Goby 是泻湖居民,而多刺杜鱼则表现出在泻湖和流域溪流栖息地之间的迁徙。在海洋占有的物种或刻板的 Sr:Ca 年表中都没有强有力的证据,后者表明在盐度和温度方面的所有可用泻湖栖息地可能在所有生命阶段都被利用。这些发现进一步证明,条形泻湖不是孤立的栖息地,对这些栖息地与毗邻的流域和海洋环境进行整体管理可以增加整个景观的栖息地连通性,对鱼类有潜在的好处。结果表明,Tidewater Goby 是泻湖居民,而多刺杜鱼则表现出在泻湖和流域溪流栖息地之间的迁徙。在海洋占有的物种或刻板的 Sr:Ca 年表中都没有强有力的证据,后者表明在盐度和温度方面的所有可用泻湖栖息地可能在所有生命阶段都被利用。这些发现补充了大量证据,表明酒吧建造的泻湖不是孤立的栖息地,对这些栖息地与毗邻的流域和海洋环境进行整体管理可以增加整个景观的栖息地连通性,对鱼类有潜在的好处。Ca 年代学,后者表明在盐度和温度方面的所有可用泻湖栖息地可能在所有生命阶段都被利用。这些发现补充了大量证据,表明酒吧建造的泻湖不是孤立的栖息地,对这些栖息地与毗邻的流域和海洋环境进行整体管理可以增加整个景观的栖息地连通性,对鱼类有潜在的好处。Ca 年代学,后者表明在盐度和温度方面的所有可用泻湖栖息地可能在所有生命阶段都被利用。这些发现补充了大量证据,表明酒吧建造的泻湖不是孤立的栖息地,对这些栖息地与毗邻的流域和海洋环境进行整体管理可以增加整个景观的栖息地连通性,对鱼类有潜在的好处。