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Incision of Ma'adim vallis (Mars) by dry volcanic megafloods effused from multiple highland sources
Planetary and Space Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2020.105021
David W. Leverington

Abstract The Ma’adim Vallis channel system extends ~900 ​km northward across the highlands of Terra Cimmeria into Gusev crater. Formation of this system has previously been attributed to the past operation of aqueous processes variously involving periodic surface runoff from adjacent intercrater plains, releases from one or more highland lakes, sudden and voluminous effusions of groundwater, and/or basal sapping. Some researchers have interpreted Ma’adim Vallis as a product of multiple discrete episodes of highland water flow that collectively occurred over a broad time frame extending from the Noachian to the Amazonian, but others have favored catastrophic development of the system as a result of the partial drainage of a long-lived lake hypothesized to have existed in the Eridania basin in the Late Noachian. Problematically, clear geomorphological and mineralogical evidence is lacking for the past voluminous flow of water along Ma’adim Vallis, and for the existence of one or more long-lived water bodies in adjacent highlands. Instead, the properties of Ma’adim Vallis suggest dry volcanic origins involving effusions of low-viscosity flood lavas from multiple highland sources during the Noachian and Hesperian. The geochemistry of lavas accumulated near the mouth of Ma’adim Vallis suggests viscosities sufficiently low to have allowed for substantial incision into bedrock substrates if lavas were erupted at high effusion rates and with high total volumes. Formation of Ma’adim Vallis is estimated to have required effusion of a minimum lava volume of ~112,000 ​km3. Development of many other highland channel networks on Mars is expected to have involved analogous volcanic processes.



摘要 Ma'adim Vallis 通道系统向北延伸约 900 公里,穿过 Terra Cimmeria 的高地进入 Gusev 陨石坑。该系统的形成以前被归因于过去的水处理过程,其中包括来自相邻火山口平原的周期性地表径流、一个或多个高地湖泊的释放、地下水的突然大量流出和/或基础侵蚀。一些研究人员将 Ma'adim Vallis 解释为高地水流的多次离散事件的产物,这些事件共同发生在从诺亚纪到亚马逊河的广泛时间范围内,但其他人则支持该系统的灾难性发展,因为部分原因推测存在于晚诺亚纪时期的埃里达尼亚盆地的一个长寿湖泊的排水系统。有问题的是,过去沿马阿迪姆山谷的大量水流以及邻近高地存在一个或多个长期存在的水体缺乏明确的地貌和矿物学证据。取而代之的是,Ma'adim Vallis 的性质表明干火山起源于诺亚纪和西伯纪时期多个高地来源的低粘度洪水熔岩的流出。在 Ma'adim Vallis 口附近堆积的熔岩的地球化学表明,如果熔岩以高喷出率和高总体积喷发,则其粘度足够低,足以切入基岩基底。据估计,Ma'adim Vallis 的形成需要至少约 112,000 平方公里的熔岩体积。