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The oxidation effect on the cracking behavior of a co-based alloy under thermal shocks
Corrosion Science ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108828
Junxia Wen , Rui Cao , Hongyan Che , Hao Dong , Haiyan Zhang , Yingjie Yan , Yanfei Gao , Peter K Liaw

Abstract Oxidation and cracking behavior during thermal-shock experiments of a new Co-based alloy were analyzed in the present work. Comparing to the static conditions, the oxidation behavior during thermal shocks is stress-assisted and crack-accelerated. Cracks during the thermal shocks were initiated from the sample surfaces and their growth are driven by various stresses, including those induced by volume change, mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs), and temperature gradient between the matrix and the internal oxides. It is found that the crack propagation correlates to these stresses in the classic Paris’ law.



摘要 本文分析了一种新型钴基合金在热冲击实验中的氧化开裂行为。与静态条件相比,热冲击期间的氧化行为是应力辅助和裂纹加速的。热冲击期间的裂纹是从样品表面开始的,它们的生长是由各种应力驱动的,包括由体积变化、热膨胀系数 (CTE) 不匹配以及基体和内部氧化物之间的温度梯度引起的应力。发现裂纹扩展与经典巴黎定律中的这些应力相关。