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Meteorological factors driving airborne grass pollen concentration in central Iberian Peninsula
Aerobiologia ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10453-020-09647-7
Jorge Romero-Morte , Jesús Rojo , Rosa Pérez-Badia

Grasses are a taxonomic group of considerable environmental importance, playing a major ecological role as well as making a significant contribution to the world’s economy, since they include valuable crop and pasture species. Grass pollen allergens are also among the main causes of respiratory allergies worldwide. The interpretation of airborne grass pollen concentrations is a particularly complex task, given the marked diversity of pollen-emitting species and the influence of weather-related variables. This paper examines the influence of meteorological variables on flowering in the species contributing most to airborne grass pollen concentrations. This study was carried out in the surroundings of the city of Toledo (Spain), a Mediterranean city located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Temperature was the variable most influencing flowering onset, which was also affected by relative humidity, rainfall and hours of sunlight. The flowering period of grass species that flower at the start of spring ( Bromus rubens and Hordeum leporinum ) began earlier in years with higher mean winter temperatures, while the species that flower from mid to late spring ( Trisetaria panicea and Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ), the flowering period began earlier in years with higher cumulative rainfall in winter and spring, which were also the years with the highest mean temperatures. Research into the influence of weather-related variables on grass phenology can shed important light on variations in airborne pollen concentrations, which determine the potential period of exposure for allergy sufferers.



草是一种对环境具有重要意义的分类群,在生态方面发挥着重要作用,并对世界经济做出了重大贡献,因为它们包括有价值的作物和牧草物种。草花粉过敏原也是全世界呼吸道过敏的主要原因之一。鉴于散发花粉的物种的显着多样性和与天气相关的变量的影响,空气中草花粉浓度的解释是一项特别复杂的任务。本文研究了气象变量对空气中草花粉浓度贡献最大的物种开花的影响。这项研究是在位于伊比利亚半岛中心的地中海城市托莱多(西班牙)周边地区进行的。温度是对开花开始影响最大的变量,它也受相对湿度、降雨量和日照时间的影响。在春季开始开花的草种(Bromus rubens 和 Hordeum leporinum )的开花期在冬季平均气温较高的年份开始较早,而在春季中后期开花的草种( Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ) ,花期开始较早,冬春季累计降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。这也受到相对湿度、降雨和日照时间的影响。在春季开始开花的草种(Bromus rubens 和 Hordeum leporinum )的开花期在冬季平均气温较高的年份开始较早,而在春季中后期开花的草种( Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ) ,花期开始较早,冬春季累计降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。这也受到相对湿度、降雨和日照时间的影响。在春季开始开花的草种(Bromus rubens 和 Hordeum leporinum )的开花期在冬季平均气温较高的年份开始较早,而在春季中后期开花的草种( Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ) ,花期开始较早,冬春季累计降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。在春季开始开花的草种(Bromus rubens 和 Hordeum leporinum )的开花期在冬季平均气温较高的年份开始较早,而在春季中后期开花的草种( Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ) ,花期开始较早,冬春季累计降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。在春季开始开花的草种(Bromus rubens 和 Hordeum leporinum )的开花期在冬季平均气温较高的年份开始较早,而在春季中后期开花的草种( Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica ) ,花期开始较早,冬春季累计降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。而中晚春开花的物种(Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica),开花期较早,冬春季累积降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。而中晚春开花的物种(Trisetaria panicea 和 Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica),开花期较早,冬春季累积降雨量较高的年份,也是平均气温最高的年份。研究天气相关变量对草物候的影响可以揭示空气中花粉浓度的变化,这决定了过敏患者的潜在暴露时间。