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Salicylic acid and thiourea mitigate the salinity and drought stress on physiological traits governing yield in pearl millet- wheat.
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.06.030
Taramani Yadav 1 , Ashwani Kumar 1 , R K Yadav 1 , Gajender Yadav 1 , Rakesh Kumar 2 , Manish Kushwaha 2

Plant growth is often affected with hampered physiological and cellular functioning due to salinity and drought stress. To assess the effectiveness of plant bioregulators (PBRs) in mitigating abiotic stresses, a double spilt plot field study was conducted with three replications at ICAR-CSSRI, research farm, Nain, Panipat. The study comprised of three deficit irrigation regimes viz., 100, 80 and 60% of crop evapo-transpiration (ETc) (I1, I2 and I3), four levels of irrigation water salinity i.e. 2, 4, 8, 12 dS m−1 (S0, S1, S2 and S3) and two PBRs salicylic acid (SA; G1) and thiourea (TU; G2). Irrigations, as per regimes and salinity, were applied at identified critical stages of wheat and if needed in pearl millet. PBRs were applied as seed priming and foliar sprays at two sensitive stages of respective crops. The trend of plant height, and physiological and biochemical traits was similar under different treatments at both stages, but differed significantly only at reproductive stage. Water deficit caused significant reduction in pearl millet (5.1%) and wheat (6.7%) grain yields. The reduction in grain yield under 8 and 12 dS m−1 was 12.90 and 22.43% in pearl millet and 7.68 and 32.93% in wheat, respectively compared to 2 dS m−1. Application of either SA (G1) or TU (G2) significantly enhanced plant height and grain yield, but magnitude of the increment was higher with SA in pearl millet and with TU in wheat. Application of SA and TU increased grain yield by 14.42 and 12.98 in pearl millet, and 12.90 and 17.36% in wheat, respectively. The plant height, RWC, TC, MI, LP, proline, Fv/Fm and Na/K ratio significantly reduced by salinity stress in pearl millet and both water and salinity stress in wheat. Application of both PBRs proved beneficial to mitigate adverse effect of water deficit and salt stress by significantly improving physiological traits, biochemical traits and ultimately grain yield in both crops.



由于盐度和干旱胁迫,植物的生长通常受到生理和细胞功能受阻的影响。为了评估植物生物调节剂(PBR)在缓解非生物胁迫方面的有效性,在ICAR-CSSRI,研究农场,Nain,Panipat进行了两次溢漏田间田间试验,并进行了三次重复试验。该研究包括三种亏缺灌溉制度,即作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET c)的100%,80%和60%(I 1,I 2和I 3),四个灌溉水盐度,即2、4、8、8。 12 dS m -1(S 0,S 1,S 2和S 3)和两个PBR水杨酸(SA; G 1)和硫脲(TU; G 2)。在确定的小麦关键阶段(如果需要的话,在珍珠粟中),按照灌溉制度和盐度进行灌溉。在相应作物的两个敏感阶段,将PBR用作种子底漆和叶面喷雾剂。在两个阶段,不同处理下的株高趋势,生理生化性状均相似,但仅在生殖阶段有显着差异。缺水导致珍珠粟(5.1%)和小麦(6.7%)的单产大幅下降。与2 dS m -1相比,在8 dS m -1和12 dS m -1下,谷子的籽粒减产分别为12.90%和22.43%,在小麦中为7.68和32.93%。应用SA(G 1)或TU(G 2)显着提高了株高和籽粒产量,但在珍珠粟和小麦的TU中,增量的幅度更高。施用SA和TU可使小米的谷物产量分别提高14.42和12.98,小麦的产量分别提高12.90和17.36%。珍珠小米的盐分胁迫以及小麦的水分和盐分胁迫均显着降低了株高,RWC,TC,MI,LP,脯氨酸,Fv / Fm和Na / K比。事实证明,两种PBR的应用通过显着改善两种作物的生理特性,生化特性以及最终的谷物产量,可减轻水分不足和盐胁迫的不利影响。
