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Assessment of soil loss by water erosion in small river basins in Russia
Catena ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104726
Kirill Maltsev , Oleg Yermolaev

Prolonged and intensive agricultural exploitation in the European territory of Russia has resulted in extensive soil erosion, which has led to anthropogenically induced degradation of arable land. The extensive agricultural development of the region stems from the presence of plains suitable for plowing, which feature fertile chernozem (Luvic Chernozems) and grey forest (Luvisols) soils. The majority of the land in the small river basins (70–80%) are plowed. In addition, this macroregion of Russia is the main agricultural territory that provides food for the entire country. The total arable area comprises approximately 600,000 km2. Approximately 95 million people, the majority of the population of Russia, live in this region. This research aims to provide a quantitative assessment of the soil lost by erosion in the arable lands of the macroregion using an USLE empirical mathematical model modified to suit the harsh climatic conditions of Russia. The calculation was performed using a raster model of the data that includes a model of the slope angle, slope length, soil erodibility, rainfall erosivity factor, water content of the snow, annual distribution of precipitation, and types of land use. The location of arable lands of the territory were determined by remote sensing measurements and the TerraNorteRLCv.3 (2014) map compiled by the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. For the first time, the intensity of soil erosion over periods of snowmelt and storm runoff, as well as the total annual soil loss, were determined for this territory at a regional scale (1:500,000). The results of these calculations were generalized for small river basins. For this generalization, we used a grid we had previously designed that features over 50,000 river basins.. The average soil erosion in the territory studied amounts to 4.04 t ha−1 year−1, considering the soil-protective coefficients of agricultural vegetation. In the annual soil loss by erosion, storm runoff erosion prevails at 3.78 t ha−1 year−1 and the erosion by snowmelt is considerably lower at only 0.26 t ha−1 year−1.

As expected, due to the higher values of the relief (length-slope) factor, soil erosion increases from the lowland plains (3.65 t ha−1 year−1) to the high plains (5.38 t ha−1 year−1), peaking in the mountains (12.88 t ha−1 year−1). The rate of soil erosion of arable lands consistently decreases from the taiga and forest landscape subzone to the steppes. An east–west trending zone featuring the highest soil erosion was distinguished. This zone of high soil erosion coincides with the mixed and broad-leaved forests subzone, which is highly used for plowing. Moreover, a western longitudinal sector of high soil erosion that includes the forest and forest-steppe landscape zones was also determined.



俄罗斯欧洲领土对农业的长期和密集开发导致了广泛的水土流失,这导致了人为引起的耕地退化。该地区广泛的农业发展源于适合耕作的平原,其中有肥沃的黑钙土(Luvic Chernozems)和灰色森林(Luvisols)土壤。小河流域的大部分土地(70–80%)被耕作。此外,俄罗斯的这个大区域是为整个国家提供粮食的主要农业地区。耕地总面积约为600,000 km 2。该地区约有9500万人,占俄罗斯人口的大部分。这项研究旨在使用USLE经验数学模型对宏观地区的耕地中的侵蚀造成的土壤损失进行定量评估,以适应俄罗斯的恶劣气候条件。使用数据的光栅模型进行计算,该模型包括坡度角,坡长,土壤易蚀性,降雨侵蚀力因子,雪的含水量,降水的年分布以及土地利用类型的模型。该领土的耕地位置是通过遥感测量和俄罗斯科学院空间研究所编制的TerraNorteRLCv.3(2014)地图确定的。首次,确定了该地区在区域范围内(1:500,000)的融雪和暴雨径流期间的土壤侵蚀强度以及每年的总土壤流失量。这些计算的结果适用于小流域。为了进行概括,我们使用了先前设计的网格,该网格具有50,000多个流域。.研究领域的平均土壤侵蚀量为4.04 t公顷-1-1,考虑到农业植被的土壤保护系数。在每年因侵蚀造成的土壤流失中,暴雨径流侵蚀普遍存在于3.78 t ha -1 year -1,而融雪造成的侵蚀则低得多,仅为0.26 t ha -1 year -1

不出所料,由于起伏(长坡)因子的值较高,土壤侵蚀从低地平原(3.65 t ha - 1-1)到高平原(5.38 t ha - 1-1)增加,在山顶达到高峰(12.88 t ha - 1-1)。从针叶林和森林景观分区到草原,耕地的土壤侵蚀速率一直在下降。区分了以土壤侵蚀最高的东西向趋势带。该高土壤侵蚀区与混合耕种和阔叶林次区域相吻合,该区域高度用于耕作。此外,还确定了西部高土壤侵蚀的纵向区域,其中包括森林和森林草原景观带。
