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Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building
Applied Energy ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115313
Hyun Mi Cho , Beom Yeol Yun , Sungwoong Yang , Seunghwan Wi , Seong Jin Chang , Sumin Kim

In the past several decades, global population growth and rapid economic development have resulted in significant increases in building energy consumption. To reduce green house gas emissions and building energy consumption, building materials and energy technologies must be optimized. Building retrofitting is a more efficient method than reconstruction to improve building energy performance. Because historical buildings are typically characterized by relatively low-performance construction and energy systems as compared to modern buildings, retrofits are essential for older historical buildings. Furthermore, energy retrofitting of historical buildings is becoming increasingly common. This study presents an energy-saving retrofitting methodology for historical buildings that have low energy performance to facilitate the continued use and conservation of cultural buildings. The building energy retrofit (BER) package combines passive, active, and renewable-energy technologies for each of four targets. Based on an energy-consumption analysis, the BER3 package of target 2 for preserving the historical value and building usability and improving energy savings reduced the total energy consumption by 61.2% and the heating and cooling loads by 45%. This study demonstrates that BER3 is the optimal solution for realizing energy-saving retrofits of historical buildings while preserving their historical value and usability. The application of BER3 reduced the average energy consumption of Underwood Hall by 54.2% in winter and 42.6% in summer. The application of BER3 also reduced the annual energy costs of Underwood Hall by 47.9%.



在过去的几十年中,全球人口的增长和经济的快速发展导致建筑能耗的显着增加。为了减少温室气体排放和建筑能耗,必须优化建筑材料和能源技术。建筑物翻新是比重建更有效的方法,以改善建筑物的能源性能。由于与现代建筑相比,历史建筑通常具有相对较低性能的建筑和能源系统,因此对较旧的历史建筑进行翻新至关重要。此外,历史建筑的能源改造正变得越来越普遍。这项研究提出了一种针对节能性能低的历史建筑的节能改造方法,以促进文化建筑的持续使用和保护。建筑节能改造(BER)软件包针对四个目标分别结合了被动,主动和可再生能源技术。根据能耗分析,目标2的BER3软件包可保留历史价值和建筑物可用性,并提高节能效果,从而使总能耗降低了61.2%,供暖和制冷负荷降低了45%。这项研究表明,BER3是实现历史建筑节能改造并同时保留其历史价值和可用性的最佳解决方案。BER3的应用使冬季安德伍德厅的平均能耗降低了54.2%,冬季降低了42%。夏季为6%。BER3的应用还使Underwood Hall的年度能源成本降低了47.9%。
