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Identifying Galactic sources of high-energy neutrinos
Astrophysics and Space Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10509-020-03816-3
Ali Kheirandish

High-energy neutrinos present the ultimate signature for a cosmic ray accelerator. Galactic sources responsible for acceleration of cosmic ray up to the knee in cosmic ray spectrum will provide a guaranteed, albeit subdominant, contribution to the high-energy cosmic neutrino flux. In this review, we discuss the the prospects for identification of high-energy neutrinos from sources of the very high energy gamma ray emission in the Milky Way. We present the status of the search for point-like and extended emission from these sources, and describe how the results of these studies indicate that neutrino telescopes are closing in on identifying Galactic sources of high-energy neutrinos.


