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Dissociable Effects of Reward on P300 and EEG Spectra Under Conditions of High vs. Low Vigilance During a Selective Visual Attention Task
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00207
Jia Liu 1, 2 , Chi Zhang 1 , Yongjie Zhu 1, 2 , Yunmeng Liu 1 , Hongjin Sun 3 , Tapani Ristaniemi 2 , Fengyu Cong 1, 2, 4, 5 , Tiina Parviainen 6

The influence of motivation on selective visual attention in states of high vs. low vigilance is poorly understood. To explore the possible differences in the influence of motivation on behavioral performance and neural activity in high and low vigilance levels, we conducted a prolonged 2 h 20 min flanker task and provided monetary rewards during the 20- to 40- and 100- to 120-min intervals of task performance. Both the behavioral and electrophysiological measures were modulated by prolonged task engagement. Moreover, the effect of reward was different in high vs. low vigilance states. The monetary reward increased accuracy and decreased the reaction time (RT) and number of omitted responses in the low but not in the high vigilance state. The fatigue-related decrease in P300 amplitude recovered to its level in the high vigilance state by manipulating motivation, whereas the fatigue-related increase in P300 latency was not modulated by reward. Additionally, the fatigue-related increase in event-related spectral power at 1–4 Hz was sensitive to vigilance decrement and reward. However, the spectral power at 4–8 Hz was only affected by the decrease in vigilance. These electrophysiological measures were not influenced by motivation in the state of high vigilance. Our results suggest that neural processing capacity, but not the timing of processing, is sensitive to motivation. These findings also imply that the fatigue-related impairments in behavioral performance and neural activity underlying selective visual attention only partly recover after manipulating motivation. Furthermore, our results provide evidence for the dissociable neural mechanisms underlying the fatigue-related decrease vs. reward-related increase in attentional resources.


选择性视觉注意任务期间高与低警惕性条件下奖励对 P300 和脑电图谱的可分离影响

人们对动机对高警惕状态和低警惕状态下选择性视觉注意力的影响知之甚少。为了探索在高和低警惕水平下动机对行为表现和神经活动的影响可能存在的差异,我们进行了一项延长的 2 小时 20 分钟的侧翼任务,并在 20 至 40 和 100 至 120 期间提供金钱奖励。任务执行的最小间隔。行为和电生理测量都受到长期任务参与的调节。此外,在高警惕性状态和低警惕性状态下,奖励的效果是不同的。金钱奖励提高了准确性,并减少了低警惕状态下的反应时间(RT)和遗漏响应的数量,但在高警惕状态下则没有。通过操纵动机,疲劳相关的 P300 振幅下降恢复到高度警惕状态下的水平,而疲劳相关的 P300 潜伏期增加不受奖励调节。此外,1-4 Hz 频率下与事件相关的光谱功率与疲劳相关的增加对警惕性降低和奖励敏感。然而,4-8 Hz 的光谱功率仅受到警惕性下降的影响。这些电生理指标在高度警惕状态下不受动机的影响。我们的结果表明,神经处理能力(而不是处理时间)对动机敏感。这些发现还意味着,与疲劳相关的行为表现和选择性视觉注意力的神经活动损伤在操纵动机后只能部分恢复。此外,我们的结果为疲劳相关的注意力资源减少与奖励相关的注意力资源增加背后的可分离神经机制提供了证据。