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Sex matters in neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology
European Journal of Neuroscience ( IF 3.698 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14880
Jodi L. Pawluski 1 , Nikolaos Kokras 2, 3 , Thierry D. Charlier 1 , Christina Dalla 2

Prevalence and symptoms of most psychiatric and neurological disorders differ in men and women and there is substantial evidence that their neurobiological basis and treatment also differ by sex. This special issue sought to bring together a series of empirical papers and targeted reviews to highlight the diverse impact of sex in neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology. This special issue emphasizes the diverse impact of sex in neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology, including 9 review papers and 17 research articles highlighting investigation in different species (zebrafish, mice, rats, and humans). Each contribution covers scientific topics that overlap with genetics, endocrinology, cognition, behavioral neuroscience, neurology, and pharmacology. Investigating the extent to which sex differences can impact the brain and behavior is key to moving forward in neuroscience research.


