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Quantum magnetic impurity resonance states in monolayer FeSe superconductor with different pairing symmetries
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physc.2020.1353708
Wei-Wei Zhao , Liang Chen , Rong-Sheng Han

In this work, we study the magnetic impurity resonance states in monolayer FeSe superconductor for different pairing symmetries. When the magnetic impurity is hybridized to one of the two electronic pockets at M point, we find that there will be two in-gap resonance peaks located symmetrically at the two sides of the Fermi energy. The intensities of the two peaks are comparable for s-wave and d-wave pairings. For the p-wave pairing, the intensity of the positive resonance peak is much smaller than the negative one. When the magnetic impurity is hybridized to the two electronic pockets simultaneously and spin-orbit coupling is considered, the two resonance peaks will be split into four for d-wave pairing. This splitting is absent for s-wave and p-wave pairings. These features can be considered as signatures to distinguish the pairing potential symmetries.



