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Fish sounds near Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok in Canada’s Western Arctic
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02701-7
Matthew K. Pine , William D. Halliday , Stephen J. Insley , Francis Juanes

The sounds of Arctic marine fishes recorded in situ have been largely ignored in the literature, despite the successful application of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) for mapping the presence of fishes at lower latitudes. Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, is a known soniferous species that holds keystone status in the Arctic and for which PAM could be a useful tool for understanding their distributions-particularly during their spawning seasons during the Arctic winter. PAM recordings from Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok (covering 1.5 years between them) were analysed for fish sounds. A total of 44 grunts and 3 knocks were recorded, the majority of which were recorded at Ulukhaktok during January. A difference in the number of fish calls was also seen between months with the highest number occurring during January. No diurnal patterns in the number of fish calls were observed. K-means cluster analyses based on the 90% bandwidth, duration, peak and centre frequencies showed three clusters. Type 1 occurred during October through April, Type 2 from October through February and Type 3 during October. Type 2 calls were only noted near Ulukhaktok and Type 1 calls resembled those from polar cod. These results either suggest different species or the vocal repertoire of a single species. Based on the spectral and temporal characteristics, all fish sounds resembled those from gadids. The detection of fish calls and the apparent spatio-temporal variation following the expected spawning season of polar cod illustrate the potential usefulness of PAM for Arctic fishes—particularly at a time when climate change is forcing Arctic nations to better prepare for ecological shifts and changing predator/prey relationships.



尽管被动声学监测 (PAM) 已成功应用于绘制低纬度鱼类的存在地图,但在文献中基本上忽略了原位记录的北极海洋鱼类的声音。极地鳕鱼 Boreogadus saida 是一种已知的有声学物种,在北极拥有关键地位,PAM 可以成为了解其分布的有用工具,尤其是在北极冬季的产卵季节。对来自 Sachs Harbour 和 Ulukhaktok(跨越 1.5 年)的 PAM 录音进行了鱼声分析。总共记录了 44 次咕噜声和 3 次敲击声,其中大部分是 1 月份在 Ulukhaktok 记录的。月份之间的鱼类呼叫数量也存在差异,最高数量发生在 1 月份。没有观察到鱼叫数的昼夜模式。基于 90% 带宽、持续时间、峰值和中心频率的 K 均值聚类分析显示了三个聚类。类型 1 发生在 10 月至 4 月,类型 2 发生在 10 月至次年 2 月,类型 3 发生在 10 月。2 类叫声仅在乌鲁哈克托克附近被发现,1 类叫声类似于极地鳕鱼的叫声。这些结果要么表明不同的物种,要么表明单一物种的声音曲目。根据光谱和时间特征,所有鱼类的声音都类似于 gadids 的声音。