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Estimation of the effectiveness of the seismological network observations in the Carpathian region
Journal of Seismology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10950-020-09916-5
V. Yu. Burmin , L.O. Shumlianska

It is necessary to have reliable data on the distributions of earthquake hypocenters in the study area to solve many geological and geophysical problems, in particular, the forecast of strong earthquakes, seismic zoning, and earthquake-proof construction. In turn, the completeness of the data on the distribution of earthquake hypocenters and the accuracy of their determination largely depends on the effectiveness of the observing system. The efficiency of the modern Carpathian network of seismological observations consisting of 196 stations is estimated in this article. By the effectiveness of the seismological observation network we mean the ability of the network to record events with minimal magnitudes at certain epicentral distances and allowing us to determine its main parameters (origin time and coordinates of hypocenters) with minimal errors depending on the position of the hypocenter of the earthquake. The calculation of the minimum earthquake magnitudes for the Carpathian seismological network shows that if each station has a magnification of 40,000, then the seismological network reliably records earthquakes with a magnitude of 3 or more in the Carpathians. The errors in the determination of the coordinates of epicenters of earthquakes in latitude (δφ) (km) and in longitude (δλ) (km) do not exceed 0.4 km in the center of the network and 1.0 km on the periphery of the network. The values of errors for determining the depths of the earthquake (H) (km) in the center of the network does not exceed 1.0 km and does not exceed 10 km throughout the Carpathian region.



为了解决许多地质和地球物理问题,特别是强地震的预报,地震分区和抗震构造,有必要提供研究区域地震震源分布的可靠数据。反过来,关于地震震源分布的数据的完整性及其确定的准确性在很大程度上取决于观测系统的有效性。本文估计了由196个台站组成的现代喀尔巴阡地震观测网络的效率。所谓地震观测网络的有效性,是指该网络能够记录在一定震中距离处具有最小震级的事件的能力,并允许我们根据震源的位置来以最小的误差确定其主要参数(起源时间和震源坐标)。地震的震源。喀尔巴阡地震台网的最小地震震级的计算表明,如果每个站点的放大倍数为40,000,那么地震网络将可靠地记录喀尔巴阡台震级为3级或更大的地震。确定地震震中坐标的纬度(δφ)(km)和经度(δλ)(km)的误差在网络中心不超过0.4 km,在网络外围不超​​过1.0 km。网络中心的H)(km)不超过1.0 km,并且在整个喀尔巴阡地区不超过10 km。
