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Testing PPE: Are DIY Masks a Viable Alternative to Address Shortages?
IEEE Pulse ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mpuls.2020.2993664
Cynthia Weber

As the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, researchers from across the world are harnessing their skills and opening their labs to contribute to solutions for managing and addressing the health crisis. One area identified by hospitals and medical providers as a critical need has been the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), which is required to keep health care providers safe from exposure to the virus as they care for patients. In response, manufacturers such as 3M have promised to increase production in order to fulfill the extensive orders. However, medical providers may not see the bulk of these outputs for weeks even as current supplies are running low.


测试 PPE:DIY 口罩是解决短缺问题的可行替代方案吗?

随着由 COVID-19 病毒引起的全球大流行继续蔓延,来自世界各地的研究人员正在利用他们的技能并开设实验室,为管理和解决健康危机的解决方案做出贡献。医院和医疗服务提供者确定的一个关键需求领域是个人防护设备 (PPE) 的短缺,这是确保医疗服务提供者在照顾患者时免受病毒感染所必需的。作为回应,3M等制造商已承诺增加产量以完成大量订单。然而,即使目前的供应量不足,医疗提供者也可能在数周内看不到这些产出中的大部分。