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Quinoline-based Compounds with Potential Activity against Drugresistant Cancers
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.2174/1568026620666200618113957
Huan-Ting Li 1 , Xiaoyong Zhu 2

Drug resistance is the major cause of the failure of cancer chemotherapy, so one of the most important features in developing effective cancer therapeutic strategies is to overcome drug resistance. Quinoline moiety has become one of the most privileged structural motifs in anticancer agent discovery since its derivatives possess potent activity against various cancers including drug-resistant cancers. Several quinoline-based compounds which are represented by Anlotinib, Bosutinib, Lenvatinib, and Neratinib have already been applied in clinical practice to fight against cancers, so quinoline-based compounds are potential anticancer agents. The present short review article provides an overview of the recent advances of quinoline-based compounds with potential activity against drug-resistant cancers. The structure-activity relationship and mechanisms of action are also discussed.



