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The role of visual error and reward feedback in learning to aim to an optimal movement endpoint.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1037/xhp0000791
Kevin A LeBlanc 1 , Chelsey K Sanderson 2 , Heather F Neyedli 2

When presented with a target circle horizontally overlapped by a penalty circle, participants initially aim closer to the penalty circle than optimal and with experience and feedback shift their endpoint horizontally to the optimal endpoint. Our purpose was to determine whether solely reward feedback or reward feedback in combination with visual error feedback of the movement and final movement endpoint is necessary for participants to learn to aim to the optimal endpoint. Participants received money for hitting the target but lost money for hitting the penalty region. In a critical No Feedback group, the target/penalty configuration would disappear on movement initiation, but participants were told the number of points received or lost after each trial. Similar to groups receiving various amounts of visual error feedback (target never disappeared, or reappeared upon screen contact), participants in the No Feedback group shifted the endpoint horizontally with experience, but they vertically undershot the horizontal meridian that contained the optimal endpoint. The region of the vertical undershoot, although suboptimal, was associated with less variance in the value of the expected outcomes. We suggest that reward feedback encourages participants to aim toward this less risky region, whereas receiving full visual error feedback leads participants to aim to the more advantageous horizontal meridian. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



当目标圆与惩罚圆在水平方向重叠时,参与者最初的目标是比最佳圆更靠近惩罚圆,并且经验和反馈会使其端点水平偏移到最佳端点。我们的目的是确定对于参与者学习瞄准最佳端点而言,仅奖励奖励反馈还是奖励反馈以及运动和最终运动终点的视觉错误反馈的组合。参加者因击中目标而获得金钱,但由于击中惩罚区域而损失金钱。在关键的“无反馈”组中,目标/惩罚配置会在运动开始时消失,但会告诉参与者在每次试验后获得或失去的点数。与收到各种视觉错误反馈的小组相似(目标从未消失,或重新出现在屏幕上),“无反馈”组的参与者会根据经验水平移动端点,但他们垂直低于包含最佳端点的水平子午线。垂直下冲的区域虽然不是最佳的,但与预期结果的值的较小差异相关。我们建议,奖励反馈鼓励参与者将目标对准这个风险较小的区域,而收到完整的视觉错误反馈会使参与者将目标对准更有利的水平子午线。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。垂直下冲的区域虽然不是最佳的,但与预期结果的值的较小差异相关。我们建议,奖励反馈鼓励参与者将目标对准这个风险较小的区域,而收到完整的视觉错误反馈会使参与者将目标对准更有利的水平子午线。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。垂直下冲的区域虽然不是最佳的,但与预期结果的值的较小差异相关。我们建议,奖励反馈鼓励参与者将目标对准这个风险较小的区域,而收到完整的视觉错误反馈会使参与者将目标对准更有利的水平子午线。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。