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Senecio festucoides (Senecioneae, Compositae), a new species from northern Chile.
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.149.52297
Joel Calvo 1 , Andrés Moreira-Muñoz 1

Senecio festucoides is described from northern Chile. The new species is morphologically similar to the discoid caespitose Andean species and belongs to the subgroup displaying yellow corollas and yellowish anthers and style branches. It is characterized by a weak, not self-supporting stem, narrowly linear leaves, long pedunculate capitula with (17-)21 involucral bracts, and minutely papillose achenes. Among other characters, the color of the corollas, anthers, and style branches and the number of involucral bracts differentiate it from S. scorzonerifolius, which is the morphologically closest species. The new species thrives in the desertic Puna ecoregion and grows amongst tufts of Festuca chrysophylla (Poaceae). Detailed pictures of living plants are provided, as well as a distribution map and a dichotomous key to the discoid caespitose Senecio species from northern Chile.


Senecio festucoides(千里眼科,菊科),一种来自智利北部的新种。

千里光(Senecio festucoides)来自智利北部。新种在形态上与盘状caespitose Andean种相似,属于显示黄色花冠和淡黄色花药和花柱的亚组。它的特征是茎弱,不自支撑,叶片狭窄线性,有(17-)21个vo片的具长花序梗的头状花序和微小的乳突果瘦果。在其他特征中,花冠,花药和花梗的颜色以及of片的act片数量使其与形态最接近的S. scorzonerifolius区别开来。新物种在荒漠的Puna生态区中繁衍生息,并生长在Festuca chrysophylla(禾本科)的簇中。提供了植物的详细图片,