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The significance of early breastfeeding experiences on breastfeeding self-efficacy one week postpartum.
Maternal & Child Nutrition ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12986
Ingrid M S Nilsson 1 , Hanne Kronborg 2 , Keren Rahbek 3 , Katrine Strandberg-Larsen 3

Many new mothers do not reach their breastfeeding goals. Breastfeeding self-efficacy is a modifiable determinant influenced by prior and new breastfeeding experiences. More knowledge about factors associated with early breastfeeding experiences and breastfeeding self-efficacy would allow us to qualify breastfeeding counselling and increase breastfeeding duration. This study aimed to identify prevalence and factors associated with early negative breastfeeding experience, low breastfeeding self-efficacy in the first week postpartum, and drop in self-efficacy from late pregnancy to early postpartum period. A prospective longitudinal study was performed in Denmark from 2013 to 2014, including 2, 804 mothers. Results showed that 1 week postpartum almost 10% of mothers had negative breastfeeding experiences, 36% had low breastfeeding self-efficacy, and 26% drop in self-efficacy from pregnancy. Negative breastfeeding experiences were significantly associated with epidural analgesia, interrupted skin-to-skin contact immediately postpartum, short previous breastfeeding duration, and lacking social support. Low breastfeeding self-efficacy was associated with low breastfeeding intention, short previous breastfeeding duration, and negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week postpartum. Finally, significant associations of drop in breastfeeding self-efficacy from late pregnancy were no or short education, early negative breastfeeding experiences, prior short breastfeeding duration, and low general breastfeeding self-efficacy in pregnancy. Negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week postpartum is crucial for maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy 1 week following birth. It is important to identify and support mothers at risk of negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week following birth and address factors that might increase the probability of early successful breastfeeding experiences.



许多新妈妈没有达到母乳喂养的目标。母乳喂养自我效能是一个可改变的决定因素,受之前和新的母乳喂养经历的影响。更多地了解与早期母乳喂养经历和母乳喂养自我效能相关的因素将使我们能够进行母乳喂养咨询并延长母乳喂养持续时间。本研究旨在确定与早期负面母乳喂养经历、产后第一周母乳喂养自我效能感低以及从怀孕后期到产后早期自我效能感下降相关的患病率和因素。 2013 年至 2014 年在丹麦进行了一项前瞻性纵向研究,其中包括 2, 804 名母亲。结果显示,产后 1 周,近 10% 的母亲有过负面的母乳喂养经历,36% 的母亲母乳喂养自我效能感较低,26% 的母亲自怀孕以来自我效能感下降。消极的母乳喂养经历与硬膜外镇痛、产后立即中断皮肤接触、先前母乳喂养持续时间短以及缺乏社会支持显着相关。母乳喂养自我效能感低与母乳喂养意愿低、之前母乳喂养持续时间短以及产后第一周的负面母乳喂养经历有关。最后,怀孕后期母乳喂养自我效能下降的显着关联是没有受过教育或教育时间短、早期的负面母乳喂养经历、之前母乳喂养持续时间短以及怀孕期间母乳喂养自我效能较低。产后第一周的负面母乳喂养经历对于产后一周的母亲母乳喂养自我效能至关重要。 重要的是要识别和支持在出生后第一周内面临不良母乳喂养经历风险的母亲,并解决可能增加早期成功母乳喂养经历可能性的因素。