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Individual differences in processing orientation and proximity as emergent features.
Vision Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2020.02.002
Celine Samaey 1 , Johan Wagemans 2 , Pieter Moors 2

Numerous examples of meaningful inter-individual differences in visual processing have been documented in low- and high-level vision. For mid-level vision or perceptual organization, vision scientists have only recently started to study the inter-individual differences structure. In this study, we focus on orientation and proximity as emergent features and combine a quantitative information processing approach with an individual differences approach. We first replicated the results reported in Hawkins, Houpt, Eidels, and Townsend (2016) in a set of 52 observers. That is, observers showed higher processing capacity for detecting a change in a stimulus configuration when the emergent features orientation or proximity were changed. Next, we asked whether individual differences processing capacities were similar across emergent features. The capacity to detect any type of change correlated moderately across individuals, whereas the capacity to detect changes in either emergent feature alone was not strongly correlated. This indicates that there is no general sensitivity to emergent features and that observers can be good at detecting orientation changes whilst being poor at detecting proximity changes (and vice versa). An additional exploratory multivariate analysis of the data revealed that response times and accuracies correlated strongly within each emergent feature. Moreover, specific factors related to change detection and inward displacements were observed, revealing consistent individual differences in our data. We discuss the results in the context of the literature on individual differences in vision where both specific, fragmented factors as well as broad, general factors have been reported.


