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Forest Ownership Patterns in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA
Journal of Forestry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvaa027
Robert Zupko 1, 2

Abstract In heavily forested rural areas, tax-incentivization programs are commonly employed to encourage timber production and harvesting activities. Because of growing interest in developing woody-biomass-based biofuels in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, we analyzed property records to determine who the regional actors are along with what role tax-incentivization programs may play. We found that a minority of entities collectively control 77 percent of the land in the region; however, family forest owners collectively own 23 percent of the land. Although tax-incentive programs are commonly used by commercial forests, the requirements of the primary program in Michigan program appear to preclude most family forests in the region. Accordingly, this study suggests that a greater understanding of reluctance of family forests to enroll in secondary programs is needed, or a lowering of forestland requirements to permit more family forests to enroll.


