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Regional Survey of Diamondback Moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) Response to Maximum Dosages of Insecticides in Georgia and Florida
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toaa125
David Riley 1 , Hugh Smith 2 , John Bennett 1 , Philip Torrance 1 , Evan Huffman 1 , Alton Sparks 1 , Charles Gruver 1 , Thomas Dunn 3 , Donald Champagne 3

Abstract We conducted maximum dose bioassays of insecticide for the control of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus), in cole crops, from 2016 to 2019 at several commercial locations in Georgia and Florida. The nominal maximum dose was defined as the highest labeled rate of an insecticide at the beginning of the survey in the equivalent of 935 liters/ha dilution. The results indicated low insecticide efficacy for high labeled rates of the following insecticides by common name (Insecticide Resistance Action Committee group number in parentheses). Our 4-yr survey identified very low levels of DBM larval control (<47%) by lambda-cyhalothrin (3), methoxyfenozide (18), pyriproxyfen (7C), novaluron (15), bifenthrin (3), chlorantraniliprole (28), indoxacarb (22A), and methomyl (1A). The best products for DBM control (>74%) listed in decreasing average levels of efficacy were naled (1B), cyclaniliprole (28), tolfenpyrad (21A), emamectin benzoate (6), and cyantraniliprole (28). Intermediate levels of control (61–71%) were obtained with Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies aizawai (11A), Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki, strain ABTS-351 (11A), and spinetoram (5). This rapid bioassay provided the grower with a ranking of insecticide efficacy for the control the DBM population for that farm site. These data allowed growers to make an informed decision on control quickly and plan for resistance management rotations for DBM that season.



摘要 我们于 2016 年至 2019 年在乔治亚州和佛罗里达州的几个商业地点进行了最大剂量的杀虫剂生物测定,用于控制油菜作物中的小菜蛾 (DBM)、小菜蛾 (Linnaeus)。标称最大剂量定义为调查开始时杀虫剂的最高标记率,相当于 935 升/公顷稀释。结果表明,以下通用名称(括号中的杀虫剂抗性行动委员会组号)的高标记率的杀虫剂效率低。我们为期 4 年的调查发现,λ-三氯氟氰菊酯 (3)、甲氧虫酰肼 (18)、吡丙醚 (7C)、诺瓦隆 (15)、联苯菊酯 (3)、氯虫苯甲酰胺 (28) 对 DBM 幼虫的控制水平非常低 (<47%) 、茚虫威 (22A) 和灭多威 (1A)。DBM 控制的最佳产品 (> 74%) 列出的平均疗效水平下降的是 naled (1B)、环虫酰胺 (28)、托芬吡咯 (21A)、甲维菌素苯甲酸酯 (6) 和氰虫酰胺 (28)。使用苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种 aizawai (11A)、苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种获得中等水平的对照 (61–71%)。kurstaki、菌株 ABTS-351 (11A) 和多杀菌素 (5)。这种快速生物测定为种植者提供了用于控制该农场的 DBM 种群的杀虫剂功效排名。这些数据使种植者能够快速做出明智的控制决定,并计划在那个季节为 DBM 进行抗性管理轮换。使用苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种 aizawai (11A)、苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种获得中等水平的对照 (61–71%)。kurstaki、菌株 ABTS-351 (11A) 和多杀菌素 (5)。这种快速生物测定为种植者提供了用于控制该农场的 DBM 种群的杀虫剂功效排名。这些数据使种植者能够快速做出明智的控制决定,并计划在那个季节为 DBM 进行抗性管理轮换。使用苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种 aizawai (11A)、苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种获得中等水平的对照 (61–71%)。kurstaki、菌株 ABTS-351 (11A) 和多杀菌素 (5)。这种快速生物测定为种植者提供了用于控制该农场的 DBM 种群的杀虫剂功效排名。这些数据使种植者能够快速做出明智的控制决定,并计划在那个季节为 DBM 进行抗性管理轮换。