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Marine Recreational Fishing in Portugal: Current Knowledge, Challenges, and Future Perspectives
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2020.1777083
Hugo Diogo 1, 2 , Pedro Veiga 3 , Cristina Pita 4 , Alina Sousa 5 , David Lima 5 , João Gil Pereira 1 , Jorge M. S. Gonçalves 3 , Karim Erzini 3 , Mafalda Rangel 3

Abstract Marine recreational fishing (MRF) in Portugal is a traditional leisure activity with considerable importance for coastal populations. In the absence of available information from the national data collection framework, this article aims to review the existing information on MRF across the country. MRF was an open access fishery until recently, but with rising evidence of overexploitation of coastal resources, a precautionary approach was imposed top-down, without consulting recreational fishers. In Portugal, the MRF participation rate is comparable to the European average (2%). The most important fishing mode (according to the official issued licenses) is shore angling. Mainland Portugal marine recreational catches (0.8% of total commercial landings) are likely underestimated, while the estimate for the Azores (6% of total commercial landings) is probably closer to the national reality. The Portuguese MRF sector faces several challenges, including: (1) the need for a definition of a national data collection framework; (2) the inclusion of MRF harvest estimates in stock assessments for key captured species; (3) management approaches which also take into account the ecosystem approach to fisheries and any potential effects of climate change; (4) additional research on post-release mortalities for the most important MRF species; and (5) a stronger involvement of all stakeholders in the decision-making process of MRF. The latter would be critical to improve the adequacy of regulations to the MRF reality, mitigate conflicts with other sectors (e.g., commercial fishing), and potentially increase fishers compliance.



摘要 葡萄牙的海洋休闲捕鱼 (MRF) 是一项传统的休闲活动,对沿海人口具有重要意义。在国家数据收集框架中缺乏可用信息的情况下,本文旨在回顾全国有关 MRF 的现有信息。直到最近,MRF 还是一种开放式渔业,但随着沿海资源过度开发的证据不断增加,自上而下实施了预防措施,没有咨询休闲渔民。在葡萄牙,MRF 参与率与欧洲平均水平(2%)相当。最重要的捕鱼方式(根据官方颁发的许可证)是岸钓。葡萄牙大陆的海洋休闲捕捞量(占商业上岸总量的 0.8%)可能被低估,而对亚速尔群岛的估计(占商业上岸总量的 6%)可能更接近全国实际情况。葡萄牙 MRF 部门面临多项挑战,包括: (1) 需要定义国家数据收集框架;(2) 在关键捕获物种的种群评估中包括 MRF 收获估计;(3) 还考虑到渔业生态系统方法和气候变化的任何潜在影响的管理方法;(4) 对最重要的 MRF 物种的释放后死亡率进行额外研究;(5) 所有利益相关者更多地参与 MRF 的决策过程。后者对于提高法规对 MRF 现实的充分性、减轻与其他部门(例如商业捕鱼)的冲突以及潜在地提高渔民的合规性至关重要。