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Ecological Drivers and Sex-Based Variation in Body Size and Shape in the Queensland Fruit Fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae).
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-23 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11060390
Yufei Zhou 1 , Juanita Rodriguez 2 , Nicole Fisher 3 , Renee A Catullo 1, 2

The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni; Q-fly) is an Australian endemic horticultural pest species, which has caused enormous economic losses. It has the potential to expand its range to currently Q-fly-free areas and poses a serious threat to the Australian horticultural industry. A large number of studies have investigated the correlation between environmental factors and Q-fly development, reproduction, and expansion. However, it is still not clear how Q-fly morphological traits vary with the environment. Our study focused on three morphological traits (body size, wing shape, and fluctuating asymmetry) in Q-fly samples collected from 1955 to 1965. We assessed how these traits vary by sex, and in response to latitude, environmental variables, and geographic distance. First, we found sexual dimorphism in body size and wing shape, but not in fluctuating asymmetry. Females had a larger body size but shorter and wider wings than males, which may be due to reproductive and/or locomotion differences between females and males. Secondly, the body size of Q-flies varied with latitude, which conforms to Bergmann’s rule. Finally, we found Q-fly wing shape was more closely related to temperature rather than aridity, and low temperature and high aridity may lead to high asymmetry in Q-fly populations.


昆士兰果蝇Bactrocera tryoni(Diptera:Tephritidae)的生态驱动因素和基于性别的体型和体型变化。

昆士兰果蝇(Bactrocera tryoni; Q-fly)是澳大利亚特有的园艺害虫,已经造成了巨大的经济损失。它有可能将其范围扩大到目前无Q蝇的地区,并对澳大利亚的园艺业构成严重威胁。大量研究调查了环境因素与Q蝇发育,繁殖和扩展之间的相关性。然而,尚不清楚Q-蝇的形态特征如何随环境变化。我们的研究集中于1955年至1965年采集的Q-fly样本中的三个形态特征(体型,机翼形状和波动的不对称性)。我们评估了这些特征如何随性别变化以及对纬度,环境变量和地理距离的反应。首先,我们在体型和机翼形状上发现了性二态性,但在不对称波动中却没有。雌性的体型比雄性大,但翅膀短而宽,这可能是由于雌性和雄性之间的生殖和/或运动差异所致。其次,Q蝇的体型随纬度变化,这符合伯格曼法则。最后,我们发现Q蝇的机翼形状与温度而不是干旱密切相关,而低温和高干旱可能导致Q蝇种群的高度不对称。